Elegant Victorian Lady

I rather like the 'BWAAAMPS'. They rouse me from my torpor.
Elegant Victorian Lady.
(Faints dead away)

I am confounded… is the good Major demanding the scribe above adopt archaic English so that they might be better understood? Ludicrous!
Elegant Victorian Lady.
(Faints dead away)

The poor little dears!
(Faints dead away)


Allow me to heartily echo the recommendation of the good Mr. Alexander's writing (although The Kestrel is frightfully violent!) and further add to the list Wizard of Earthsea and Sword in the Stone by T.S. Eliot. To demonstrate some loyalty to my native era, there is much to recommend in the fanciful writings of

The man was filled deeply with dread of many things. I believe I read that he came to regret his bigotry later in life.
Elegant Victorian Lady.
(Faints dead away)

I simply adore the writing of Jack Vance, and so it is with considerable regret that I must admit complete understanding of why you reject him so completely. One hunts in vain for powerful, intelligent or accomplished female characters anywhere in his work… perhaps Wayness in the Cadwal Chronicles, although even she

Ah ha!  There speaks one who has never set eyes upon my Excitatron!  Though never shall you, unless the misalignment of the accursed flanges on the central gyroscope be somehow corrected…

A space station the size of a moon would certainly exert a force of gravity on nearby craft, causing them to behave somewhat as shown.  I was somewhat more concerned about the enormous portals which apparently open into the vacuum of space!  Would there not be an enormous and catastrophic correction in air pressure?

(Wine decanter shatters)

My goodness, can you not see that he likes you, Mr.Djf881?  Wait a moment…

The man's world is collapsing.  He is not at his best.

Proper etiquette requires a slender typing wand, though avoid those made of ivory.
  Poor dear elephants.

I expect that Walter's nemesis must ultimately be Jessie, but my expectations are often confounded by this thrilling narrative.

I am very much afraid that Hank is now quite certainly dead, given his comment to his beloved that 'He might not be home for a while', certainly more decisive than saying that he loves her.  And if he is dead… then I wonder what Marie will do.  At the very least she will have harsh words for her sister…

Oh for goodness sake, you poor shy thing!  Faint heart never won fair maiden, you know.  One moment, I will go speak to her for you and determine her identity through the stratagem of direct inquisition.

He was a wonderful writer.

When I read your post about the death of Jack Vance, I think my heart stopped for a moment.  I had no idea he was dead.

"No no, you are by far the finer whist player.  I simply cannot match your skills, at least in this trivial game which I would never stoop to play, saving only should I be engaged in an effort to socialize with my social inferiors.  I am sure you are quite the terror of the coffee houses."

I am now interested in the entertainment you describe, but must additionally know: are there also heroic feats, a rollicking musical score and astonishing stunts to engage and befuddle the senses?