Elegant Victorian Lady

Do not allow your enthusiasm to spur your pace beyond reason, as I understand (through necessity) Ethan Hawke is forced to do in an upcoming theatrical presentation!

(Sobs quietly)

Curse this temporal disparity which I am forced to endure.  Instead of sampling the pleasures of this phantasmagorical celebration of agonizing suspense, imperilled devotion, and hurtling, neck-wrenching derring-do of cheekbone-flashing, forehead-gleaming Mr. Hawke and his soprano-screaming companion, I am reduced to

Poor dear Colonel.  You may have a beer, if you can find your own way down to the kitchens.  And knowing the habits of Morag, my at once acerbic and generous Scottish cook, should you share some of your drink with her, you are likely to soon have a hug as well.

A Stark contrast, is it?  Very nicely done!  Well, I'm off to the window to lean on the Lannister.

She has very fine cheekbones, great height, a formidable personal presence, a dignified gait, a head for numbers and a strong core of practicality.  Most men should be so fortunate as to win such a mate.

Never her ankle!

Do try to live in the moment, good sir!

Cousin Winnifred calls her riding crop a 'diabolo', a doggerel-word of her own invention, I am certain.

The gentleman should wear a storm cloak with the collar turned up and a tricorne pulled low to hide all but his flashing eyes… and should any lurking interloper dare still to attempt a capture of his image, brandish a breach-loader beneath his nose and whisper, "Close that shutter or I shall lower your blinds, my

Mrs. Gunn clearly tries very hard and feels stung by the barbs of these faceless louts.  Enough time has been spent troubling ourselves over the motives of the ignorant- let us instead give the good thespian a rousing cheer of support!  Hip-hip-hoorah-!

I find Mrs. White's lawyer to be a very positive female role-model, but her character offers a sure sign that we are visiting a fictional world, as she is an advocate who gives good, forthright advice without preamble or equivocation.
  My own representative (or rather I should say the representative of my family) is

Oh, what fun!  Allow me!

An oily biological residue or membrane?

Plangent with fulsome tragedy.  Wistfully sordid.  Strangely affecting.  Schadenfreudian sympathy.

Certainly Germans.

Happiness is not the achievement of one's dreams, but rather always having new dreams to strive for.  I suspect Mr. Feldman is a man in need of new dreams.

I have awoken to discover that someone has made off with my spectacles!

Perhaps… perhaps the good thespian will perform his craft adequately… perhaps even quite well.

Quickly then!  Lock yourself in a turret to cast your bloodied fists fruitlessly against the unyielding stone, venting cries to be swallowed up in empty echoing halls until the fever in your blood at last subsides!