Elegant Victorian Lady

Perhaps the only fault that can be found within these passages is when one does not realise when a faddish trend has run its course, and allow it to gracefully pass on into oblivion.

Whatever actress performs as the farcical character that is Sarah Palin is a comedic genius.

(Blushes demurely)
(Faints dead away)

My understanding, admittedly removed more than a century from the events themselves, is that the Republicans had ruined your fine country's markets and reputation while squandering her wealth, ignoring laws and international agreements and stripping away laws that protected your populace and countryside, all while

Dear Mr. Weekend,
If drugs are to be ingested by some means, to drink them is probably the least uncomfortable method. Although the second suggestion is confounding, I assume the last refers to that peculiar habit lately adopted in circles frequented by members of high society of bathing in milk of magnesia as a

Anyone who immediately confides their thoughts without first allowing for an interlude of rumination will soon be thought a fool, lunatic or even, heavens above forbid, a wanton. I suspect that we are all of us given to confusion within the ivory chamber of our mind's repose.

This seems not to have been a noble effort, nor a determined effort, nor indeed even a wise, timely or thoughtful effort. But it was an effort to read, if nothing else.

Following an inaccurate statement with another professing it is merely incitement to discussion? Here, then, is my OPINION: Mr. Stallone is an ignoramus.

I hope this does not start a trend of unrestrained vulgarity. Even now through the ether and across the reaches of time I can sense fevered thoughts begin to swarm about, as moths about a candle-flame, drawing ever closer and closer to utter ruin. Stop now, gentle souls, before words become manifest which, allowing

New Zealand: much akin to Zealand, but without the great hordes of Danes.

The sublime moving image production of Tongan Ninja is also a creation of this verdant isle, a fact which should win the region no end of accolades and fond regard. What film lately of the Americas has been half so grand?

And are we also to presume that bears also adhere to Vudu spirit worship? That they carry about salt and chicken's blood and invoke unseen forces to their benefit, and in addition to the ruin of their enemies? Preposterous!

Oh yes, there is nothing I prefer to watching reanimated corpses trailing viscera shamble up upon some helpless vagabond and batten upon their very craniums. I will have you know that I faint at the sight of blood pudding.

But… but this is awful!

Far from it, dear mister (or so I assume) SarCCastro. I am almost certain that children are not subjected to such indignities within my household, and so as to be definite, I go now to inquire of my children's governess, maids and nurse exactly what techniques they do employ.

A remarkably superior fellow for an Irishman. This is ever the result when a Hibernian manages to attain even a modest amount of prominence or authority- appalling cheek and self-importance.

An honest and kindly (if voracious) animal who does not deserve comparison to a despicable creature who forever debased the august position into which he was elected.

In that the woman in question appears to be a young woman with poor judgement, a wandering eye and scant modesty, the opposite would necessarily be an old man of exceeding wisdom, little or no interest in matters of the flesh and unshakable dignity and rectitude. Amongst entertainers of your era (assuming that

Where, amidst all this callow prurience, is the woman's husband? Does he allow her liberty to sully his good name with such outrageousness? A stern rebuke- perhaps a reduction in her allowance or a period of reflection in her chamber- would seem to be in order. And barring his presence due to some infirmity or want

I believe that `periodic (and) alarmingly racist rants` is what the good Mr. Heller meant. It is an interesting example of Heller`s alarmingly periodic good writing.