Elegant Victorian Lady

Whoever heard of a woman drover? What woman would lower herself to such dreary employment? You may keep your droving, sirs, and welcome to it. We, meanwhile, shall maintain our unrivaled domination of needlepoint. Oh, and of the vast dominions of the British Empire as well! God save the Queen.

Though I found it difficult to follow much of the above, I thank those of you who lowered yourselves so far as to render compliment to one of my limited accomplishments, excepting only that I am capable through an artifice to communicate through the veil of time to this and only this electro-tronically simulated

It appears, in fact, to be uniquely itself.

It is a retelling of the Scarlet Pimpernell updated for modern audiences with a profound deviation from the original source material.

Modern Sisters of the Cloth are certainly given to shocking profanity!

Indeed, it is a tacit admission by the `major networks` of their inferiority, akin to creating a seperate cricket league only for the Welsh and the folk of Coventry.

I am ashamed that I have lashed out so thoughtlessly. And you are quite right, good Mr. Leggings. My passion for matters futuristic has led directly to the creation of the steam-powered temporal ether navigator with which I now communicate to your era, and with considerable effort it can also intercept transmissions

You are quite right to judge the program based upon a small excerpt. That is certainly all that is required to form an opinion on a work of fiction, especially one that is densely plotted and rich in detail. A simple, cursory examination which apparently does not even include the names of characters, instead relying

I fail to see why the delightful Mr. C of the Colbert Report went unhonoured. His depiction of a fatuous demagogue continues to entertain, and overbears all other contenders for the title of Greatest Humour. Though it requires hours of labour to align the cathode-amplified receivers on the apparatus I employ to

A Frenchman, perhaps? Delicacy forbids I offer specific examples.

Horrors! What blood-curdling good fun! I predict that the villain will be the Whitechapel Killer, displaced to the colonies by the pursuit of Scotland Yard and committed to further outrages.

A hedgehog, clearly.

In the spirit of the game, allow me to suggest that all of you might prefer to delve into anachronism.

There is no need to shout at an infant, sir. They do not know any better.

Sometimes I think that the dictionary I have painstakingly assembled on the modern grammatical terrain I have taken such pains to tread is of entirely no use whatsoever and in any wise. Though I hesitate to inquire, I find that I must- to what does this term `wedgy`refer? And for all love if you be a gentleman, do

Why thank you, sir. Your advice and company are both well taken, though modesty forbids I completely adhere to your recommendations.
Perhaps I shall just undo the very topmost… in that the company is of such unimpeachable good character, and such caveats to comfort are not subjected to any great outcry.

You are all much too kind. I have, of course, heard of absinthe, but I fear I do not have the, ah, artistic temperament required to survive even a small dram. If someone indulges while I am on the far side of the room, I am known to become faint…

The pedigree of your advice is called into question by your chosen sobriquet, which speaks of poor judgement generally. Thank goodness that I, at least, live in a time when added concern over the outrages of maniacs, be they married or no, allow a lady to discretely carry a paring-knife or even, in my case, an

This is highly distressing… I cannot banish the engaging but wildly inappropriate music from my mind… I am in a state of perpetual proximity to unconsciousness. It is like the time I quite by accident caught sight of those frightful printings of women embroiled in Sapphic congress at the scandalous tea party of Mrs.

It is exceedingly well-crafted and returns quite unbidden and without warning to my thoughts. But herein lies a complication, for being of a somewhat delicate constitution and, due to my upbringing, having a low tolerance for the Gutter Tongue, each time the music is recalled so to are the lyrics. And then… then I