A Very Special Christmas Episo

A SyFy original movie would be even better. Lindsay Lohan in "Son of Sharktopus!"

"proving that an impressive breadth of film knowledge and being devastatingly handsome are not mutually exclusive"

I'd want to see a Guillermo del Toro version if it was close to the original story. But I too have lost immediate enthusiasm for a Burton project, I only imagine the same cartoony visuals and plodding Danny Elfman score and Helena Bonham Carter shoehorned in somehow and wow I'm already bored just thinking about it.

I heard it was actually Cher, with her song "Believe". Or maybe that's just a fun-sounding rumor.

Rode pirates at Disney World right before they shut it down/retooled it, for nostalgia's sake. Man, it was not in good shape. The stupid boat kept breaking down, unable to move us through the water. The longest stretch of this happened when my family was right in front of an animatronic pirate holding booze, and a

The only my little pony I could punch in the mouth without remorse.

Regular pony actually does look like Tom Cruise.

Thanks! I know what I'll be streaming this weekend now.

I'm not exactly Scrooge. If I converted all of my expendable income into gold coins to swim in, I would have an empty swimming pool. And an outstanding bill for the pool installation.

Dinosaur pony rawr

Some guy in my dorm at college literally did this, very loudly, and I can attest that our little corner of the world was NOT FUCKING HAPPY.

Agree that season 3 is awesome, but season 5 also achieves greatness in my opinion. The season 5 finale also makes an adequate series finale for people who hate the last two seasons (although I'm not one of them). Personally I think once you get to season 3 you can just watch every episode to the end, even the

Man, I used to be so patient waiting for things to come out on DVD/streaming, but I have to watch season 4 of Breaking Bad somehow. I NEED IT.

Just to warn you, it starts slow. For about the first 5-6 episodes I was wondering what the all the fuss was. Then all of a sudden you're mainlining season 2 and totally addicted.

@avclub-df80f70f60b1c678f8c91696f4a54f5f:disqus [spoilers] I agree that the only thing that still bothers me about the ending is the Starbuck cop-out. She deserved a clear purpose after all that moping they made her do in the later seasons, so she could go out strong instead of just literally fading away. Other than

The Demolition Man high five is really the only way to go during cold and flu season.

Mostly unrelated, but I just checked IMDB because I couldn't remember who played the dad (Robert Carlyle) and found out that the real names of the kids in that movie are Mackintosh Muggleton and Imogen Poots. I shit you not.

Now I want a Jackass spin-off where the midget bar brawl is re-enacted in different countries. Thailand, Ireland, Russia… there is no way this would ever get old.

Actually I was wondering how he managed to be still alive after all that.

@avclub-9da7cd75ea0d9f80f9348fd3023a83a8:disqus No, I'm an all hetero female. Thanks for playing!