A Very Special Christmas Episo

Seeing McHale with his shirt off… he actually does have a buff version of man boobs, doesn't he?

Well now I feel like an asshole for starting yet another debate. I think we can all agree that in a world of Two and a Half Men and 2 Broke Girls, we are very fortunate to have two intelligent, funny, non-gender specific shows on the air, no matter exactly how they rank.

So now we're switching to pissing off the Parks and Rec fans with needless notifications? Is that how we're going to play it?

I read that in Archer's voice, as something he would say to Pam, and that made it even funnier.

I agree with you but  I'd reverse the two. Community has the laugh-a-minute thing down but Parks and Rec has more developed characters and plot arcs. It's like peanut butter and jelly, they balance out each other perfectly.

And with "a cow's vagina with glued on googly eyes", my frown was turned upside down.

if(@avclub-18b3991b5ec24ce451f3e7a1af888c30:disqus == male)
   marry me;
   move to Massachusetts;
   marry me;
//end if

If this results in Jules sleeping with Bobby I won't even be sad if this show gets cancelled.

Theeerreee used to be a blah blah da da dee bo da dee day… and youuu remain…

Yeah he'd probably dig the Troy and Abed parts, especially if there's another puppet show. It can't be worse than Yo Gabba Gabba, which literally made him run from the room crying. That show is freaky.

Ok, I'll agree with you there. Mainly I just thought that there needed to be one less villain and I really like Thomas Haden Church. Knowing that he could have had a whole movie to himself, I would gladly cut him out of Spiderman 3.

Apparently when you get infected by the symbiote you turn into an extra from Grease. That part is so laughably bad. If they had cut it along with the crammed in Hobgoblin arc the movie may have been halfway decent.

Yep I got caught up too, and consequently had "Kiss from a Rose" stuck in my head all weekend. I would like to start watching it when it airs so I can actually take part in the commentary here, but I'm in a central time zone and my kid is still awake. Currently estimating to what degree his fragile mind will be warped

Morning Glory was easily an hour too long. Never finished it because I realized at the two hour mark that there was still a half hour to go and just gave up. Maybe if there was a middle portion where a crazed gunman takes Diane Keaton hostage and Harrison Ford's gruff-but-lovable news anchor pulls out a .45mm from

Yeah especially with the shaggy hair I keep thinking that Segel's gone full circle and his character is actually Nick at 30.

I have avoided ever listening to ICP because of their moronic fans (grew up in the detroit area so unfortunately encountered a lot of them). So no, I didn't get the reference, but holy shit, thank you so much for linking to that. That was almost as funny as this episode, only unintentionally. Fucking rainbows.

Yeah I just watched it now so I'm too late for the comments really, but I just feel compelled to type that THIS EPISODE IS SO FREAKING FUNNY.

Reassuring that it's not only moms who get emotionally fucked up. My weirdest one post-kid was What Dreams May Come. Not because of the parts that were intended to make me cry, but because *SPOILER* they act all joyful at the end but their kids are still fucking dead. Such a shit film. Maybe they were actually angry

Yeah speaking of Snoopy Come Home, what the hell was with all the "main character gets lost/runs away and has a terrible experience making it back" stories in late 80s/early 90s kid movies? Snoopy, Follow That Bird, Milo and Otis, Homeward Bound, that Garfield special where he goes to the pound… was there some huge