A Very Special Christmas Episo

Speaking of Pixar movies and crying, the end of WALL-E *SPOILERS* where Eve grabs his limp hand and there's a pause that seems to last forever before he intertwines his fingers with hers… oh I was such a wreck.

It's weird, but Jessica Simpson put her name on a fashion line at Macy's and I hate to admit it but it's actually pretty decent. Like more than once I've picked up something that looks good, checked the tag and was surprised that her name was on it. Now, I don't know if she has any actual involvement in the design of

I am too cheap to have cable so I will probably watch part of the fashion show out of curiosity, then continue streaming Archer season 2 on Netflix. If they would make Justified available I'd be all over it.

Seriously, especially in the beginning before they weed out the completely batshit contestants, the show is funnier than the majority of network sitcoms. It's also very easy to create a drinking game along with it.

@jerodast:disqus Hey, I'm just trying to be optimistic. Although I have to admit this is the first episode where I haven't completely hated them together.

Yeah three adults having drinks together at a bar because they assumed they'd have no important commitments in the near future is completely reckless.

Loved the reappearance of the hot tub limo. It made me miss Jean Ralphio by association though.

I ended up not caring at all about the Leslie plotline, but the side stories totally made up for it. I thought Sean Hayes's character was too over the top, and too similar to what we've seen with Perd and Joan. Also the Ben/Leslie conflict was not even really a conflict. I was waiting for them to at least confront

Amy Poehler is definitely the master, but I think the whole cast is really funny when drunk. The Snake Juice episode is one of my favorites.

As I just mentioned above, didn't Ann say "Ok, we're not dating anymore" at the very end? Are we not supposed to take that seriously? Maybe I was taking it too seriously because I wanted so badly for it to be true.

Also, the end of Haverkins!!

Wow. I mean, you can't expect your significant other to like absolutely everything that you like, but seeing Radiohead live and being all dismissive about it? That would be hard for me to get over. Hopefully she has many redeeming qualities.

My favorite citizen complaint was in that same episode:

"Down With Love", "Big Fish", "Moulin Rouge!"… he's in a lot of films that never fail to put me in a good mood whenever I watch them. I could give a defense of them from a cinematic perspective, but to be totally honest it has more to do with the fact that McGregor is in full-on charming romantic mode in all three. He

Hmm well I also had no interest in Barbies… but I would never giggle
and give it away. I would just let them go on believing that the house
was haunted by a grandmother who was looking for her lost cane or
whatever. I wonder if that makes me nicer or meaner than your sister?

Raise your hand if you were the asshole who was pushing the pointer thing around and pretending you weren't to freak out the gullible kids!

That's a really good way to describe it. I saw it in the theater and was so into the imagery that I didn't even focus on following the story. I really enjoyed seeing it but I don't want to watch it again because I'd be trying to figure out the "meaning" of it all and I think it's better suited to visceral reactions

Ugh, there was one point in that season where Buffy tells Riley she's never loved anyone more that him and I laughed out loud it was so unconvincing.

I was going to post a variation on this exact same thought. I'm not usually a person who would play this card since I post on AV Club all the time, but this really does seem like an entertainment blogger's (and reader's) problem and nothing more. It's such a new medium that of course there's going to be a bunch of

I'm not sure how you can be truly personal with your audience without showing that you're just like any other person fumbling through life and trying to find happiness. That's why we rarely have celebrity interviews that get beyond the surface level stuff, because it's their job to act like they are somehow more