A Very Special Christmas Episo

Even when I read that an actor is shorter than me, I find that fact impossible to visualize. I always expect that they would be looking down on me. Which they would of course, but not in the literal sense.

The treatment which consisted of mostly her confessing how much she still loved Barney, to the point where she almost sabotaged his relationship with Nora purposely. No, nothing awkward at all about that.

@avclub-75f023b01584c7f37883f41c2a2b91ca:disqus Obama is going to start campaigning for re-election soon, so it's not out of the realm of possibility!

At 0:41 in the video, check out the kid's expression and the dad's hands. Still not sure what's going on there, but it ain't Godly.

Me, to my brother over the holidays: "Um, our nephew went to bed, why are you still watching Sprout's Good Night Show?"

@avclub-d324a0cc02881779dcda44a675fdcaaa:disqus Meh, I'm 26. I'm married with a kid. If I still crack up at a toddler doing cocaine and Danny Trejo jizzing on a Christmas tree, I doubt I'll ever have 'mature' sensibilites, thankfully.

The cast and trailer are so promising, but honestly even if it sucks I'm hoping it at least takes some attention away from Twilight for a while, maybe even win some converts.

Bridesmaids fell victim to its own hype. I thought it was good, but come on, its a light comedy with a little pathos thrown in, it wasn't meant to signal the fourth wave of feminism or anything. Critics thought they were being helpful by putting it at the top of their 'best of' lists, but really the resulting backlash

Harold and Kumar 3D was hilarious, no idea why it was the least successful of the three.

Yes, that all sounds wonderful! I too will exercise and eat better and take in the local culture. There's a whole wide world out there and we owe it to ourselves to break out of our shells and hey is that a new newswire post?

It's a shame that nobody gives a mention to the book the movie is based on, The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick. The way he combines the story with black and white illustration is pretty amazing for a book aimed at younger kids. It's like a gateway to graphic novels, so I hope there are kids picking it up

Seriously. Three people died by the end of four episodes. At the end of the second episode when the disintegrated body rains from the ceiling I  realized that I was watching something that wasn't going to pull any punches. I call BS on 'boring'.

I had totally forgotten Candace Cameron's actual name, so I had no idea Kirk was her brother. The More You Know…

The Christian bookstore in my town advertised that DJ was having a meet and greet there. I have no idea what she wrote but I filed it in my brain under weird outcomes for kid actors, especially when your co-stars ended up being meth-heads and bulimic socialites.

I worshiped Ghost World in high school, so much so that I try to mentally block any memory I have of Art School Confidential. Clowes and Zwigoff didn't possibly go on to make a movie that terrible, no, it was all just a bad dream that I had…

I tried to teach a lion to paint once.

Oooohhh, that reminds me AV Club staff: if someone sends you a riding mower, do not play with it in the office.

I didn't mean romantic love, you jerkheadface!

The secretary in charge of promotional mailings was too busy filing her nails and playing with her iPad.

And pogs, which were like bakugans except for the shoddy craftmanship and lack of engaging gameplay.