A Very Special Christmas Episo

I went to an advanced screening of War Horse this weekend. It is classic Spielberg in every way. I'm not big on horses or animal movies in general but damnit if I wasn't completely emotionally invested in that horse by the end of the movie. Also the battle scenes were very well done and still jarring for PG-13. It

It is really strange. I don't think Valentine's Day being a terrible movie is the reason people stayed away from New Year's Eve. If people suddenly started caring about quality over celebrity Jack and Jill wouldn't have been a success. Not to mention the movies that are considered good and accessible to the public

The best way to play Monopoly is a variation on Calvinball: you just make up shit as you go along. My friend and I used to put in something like the Evil Dead trilogy while we played so as not to get too emotionally invested. Then when things got repetitive we'd say all blue squares change hands, or take out loans

I think Emmett Otter is superior because unlike Christmas Toy the songs really hold up. I have a lot of childhood nostalgia for both, but I watched Christmas Toy recently and if it wasn't for the memories it would have been harder to sit through. I still watch Emmett Otter every year though.

When I was little I thought it had something to do with bagels. Now I know what a Winnebago is but why they are a barometer for how freezing it is, still no clue.

Friends, sometimes marriage involves compromise. That and a quality pair of headphones.

That's exactly why I like it, they take snippets of the song and re-arrange it so that it is no longer mind-numbingly repetitive. I also like how both of their singing voices are elegantly restrained, unlike the Seeger version I trashed above and many other artists come Christmastime (Josh Groban anyone?).

TSO is cool in my book.

May I add:

I hate every version of that song except for David Bowie and Bing Crosby's rendition. That particular one, I love.

You really have to see the musical episode. I don't know if Buffy was the first TV show to use the 'musical' gimmick, but it was by far the best.

Damnit Stingo, just try to ignore it and maybe it will go away. Didn't you get the memo?

Full disclosure: I was 3/4 of a way through a bottle of wine that night when the disqus revolution occurred. I figured I better register, and this just seemed SO amusing at the time. I could start a new account with a new name, but like 'Cougar Town' I've gone too far to look back now.

You mean that wasn't a weird dream I had after my brother dared me to try sherry when I was nine?

YES that's what it was called. Here it is:

Ah ha! Much appreciated.

Is that the one with the Fraggles and the Muppets meeting each other? Because I definitely watched that VHS until it literally broke as a child.

Those specials are definitely things you have to grow up with to appreciate. I never saw them as a kid but watched a 'Rudolph' one with my husband. He said it wasn't Christmas without it, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to need a lot of egg nog to put up with this particular tradition.

I beat you to it upthread, but the more mentions, the better. I watch it almost every year and it's still hilarious.

That would be amazing, except I can't find it on YouTube and haven't seen it since it aired.