A Very Special Christmas Episo

I gave you a 'like' for mentioning the Phil Spector album as well. Those are the only two essential Christmas albums for me.

To be fair, pretty much everything fits your criteria unless they were to do a day by day analysis of ABC Family's '25 Days of Christmas'. But if they did do that, then by all means, fuck that.

I nominate the Pee Wee's Playhouse Christmas Special. So many fruitcakes!

I'ma little ascared to click on that post.


There must be something about that particular shade of blue that triggers huggability. Sully in Monsters Inc. is probably a distant relation.

You had me until "otter". In New York? Maybe an opossum…

It's interesting to me that Paul Williams collaborated so much with the Muppets but seemed so awkward interacting with them. He seemed to be having a lot of fun singing with them, but to me his other segments, and all of the groan-worthy short jokes, fell flat. However I've rewatched "Love Song" quite a few times,

Well to be honest I never saw Caprica, just the BG remake, and it was a while ago. I'm pretty sure whenever they showed Sam practicing, the court was pretty small. (Was it always just a warm up area or something?)

WANT. That's all I got.

Kudos to you on your reasonable discussion which in no way provokes the readers of this website. I am looking forward to your dissertation on why you've never seen Community but you are certain it is exactly like a more pompous version of Mike & Molly.

So… rules aren't really that convoluted then. Right. Carry on.

Yeah, but the reason it was the biggest sport in the universe was never explained. The arena was so tiny! I think the problem is, the more you explain the rules of a fictitious sport the more you realize it's really not anything better than what we already have. Exempting the games that are played with magic or

I need to buy that book.

There was also her dreadlocked, Enrique Ingelsias phase where she realized she couldn't be in "vacation mode" all the time.

I knew I was pregnant two weeks in. You don't always have to miss a period to know- hormones can change your body/make you feel different enough to wonder if something's up, you take a test out of curiosity and see a plus sign.

Yeah, and it would also be great if the major artists on the classic rock station weren't always distilled down to their one or two biggest hits. No matter where I am in the country if I hear the Eagles or Rush, there's a 95% chance it's 'Hotel California' and 'Tom Sawyer', respectively. That's what's most depressing

Well, you proved me right- insanely adorable. Little Bagel Monster has 'Rainbow Connection' down. I too believe in a classical education.

EDIT: Meant as a reply to zeppomarxist:

Now I'm picturing a little bagel-munching Muppet and I have a bad case of the cutes.