A Very Special Christmas Episo

They're also coming out with "Magic Eye Puzzle" next year. It's in 3D, but they don't give you the glasses- that would be cheating.

The motor-oil scene from the first Transporter remains the best unintentionally homoerotic Jason Statham fight, though.

Late to the party, but I loved Harold and Kumar too. Couldn't usually care less about 3D but they used it in such a 'gee-whiz, lookout!' sort of way that it added to the comedy. Definitely better than the second one, though like the other two NPH was the best part.

Not to mention that his supporting role was the best thing in that movie, besides the amazing work of Andy Serkis. Unlike leading man Franco who couldn't be bothered to give his character any personality since these types of movies are "beneath him." I think that alone tells you what you need to know about both of

Diane Rehm interviewed him recently and he was so engaging and enjoyable. I actually sat in my car in the parking lot for the last ten minutes so I could hear the whole thing.

I almost canceled Netflix once, and then Breaking Bad appeared. Now I'm almost through that, and *poof* Alias. Netflix, I wish I could quit you!

It's more of a show where if you have to watch tv with your 10 year old nephew you can both have a decent half hour of entertainment instead of suffering through some Dragonball Z bullshit. I wouldn't sit down and watch it on my own but I don't feel the need to stab myself from the stupidity either.

That's a really good way to describe that scene in ER. I was really disturbed when I watched it, probably because knowing I'm going to die and not being able to do anything about it is one of my worst fears.

I did watch it again, and it is indeed laughably bad. Laughing at what once freaked me out was pretty cathartic though, I'd recommend seeking it out.

Wow, I had completely forgotten that show but upon hearing the title the song popped straight into my head. I think I had a comic book version of it too, which was worse because I would get creeped out, then go back and read it again.

When I saw the big- mouthed muppet on the Muppet Show gobble up the other muppets, which happened in more than one episode, five-year-old me had a recurring nightmare about it for years. It would always end with being eaten, then blackness, then awake with a jolt. Even though I knew then the scene was just silly, the

I too had a bunch of Garfield books and merch (because I was a kid and it was a kitty?). It's hard to find the comic strip entertaining past a certain age, but the cartoon series holds up.

It just showed up on Netflix streaming as well.

Amen to that. A great example is Lady Gaga, who everyone seemed to like or at least not actively hate until her mediocre Born This Way album came out before the old one had even stopped selling. Now her act just seems tired.

I was fine with the way Apocalypse Now looked on Blu- Ray until I got to the part where they superimposed a young Marlon Brando hologram at the end. That really pissed me off.

Did the Tyler, The Creator gimmick poster get banned? He actually might have a chance to say something relevant… then again, most likely not.

I also love the scene where they try out their new light-up track suit and short out their dad's life support… again. That gets me every time.

I also enjoyed his guest spot in Parks and Rec as the Twilight obsessed guy. I think he should stick to being the eccentric supporting character, it suits him better than headlining.

It's in the same category as Idiocracy for me, not a perfect movie but definitely deserved a wider viewership (judging by its theatrical release it might as well have gone straight to DVD). I really might have to check out MacGruber, until this article I hadn't heard anything remotely positive about it.

The other similarity between Brothers Solomon and Step Brothers is that the gags in the movie are better than the movie as a whole. While you're watching it, you're thinking "eh, this movie is ok…" and then a couple days later you're repeating all the lines and it becomes retroactively hilarious.