
Brothers of the Head has a great soundtrack.
One of those where actors are singing in a fictional band. The movie is great. Guy who grew up performing in vaudeville finds siamese twins and turns them in a short lived punk act in the 60's told in documentary style.
Sounds awful, but the movie and songs are

AV Club Debate?
Wasn't there an article on here just a few weeks ago where an AV Club writer said that was "one of the funniest lines in any movie that has ever been and ever will be"?

This just cheered me up. Their self-titled album was my soundtrack of 2005.

Sorry for putting Wade up their. Listening to tv on the background and I heard that name so typed that instead of Morgan.

Andrew Lincoln
Really happy to see him back on television. More happy that it's now American television on AMC so I can actually watch it when it premieres. Bonus.
Been a fan for years since After Life and was excited hearing he got cast for this a few months ago.

Inbetweeners on MTv? No. You can't yell "Bus wankers!" on an American show.

I think she says "I like that you have a gun."

This episode was really good. I like how they used the bike as a little plot device. Did anyone else think at the end with the two shadows talking in the laundry mat about Ed's involvement that they might be planning to do something to him? Maybe it's because I like that old guy and I don't want him to get hurt.

I wasn't sure during the first hour if I'd like this show but by the end of episode two, I was already wanting to watch episode 3. It is a slow-paced show. But in a way, I find it refreshing since most conspiracy themed entertainment is always at a fast speed with tons of unnecessary action. So for this to take

I know that, Greene. I just wonder why, when the first season wasn't covered, even start a review of the second?

Second Series?
Second series has come and gone.

"People have cried when they hear me sing."
And now all of us know why.

Maybe this is just what we need to get these movies banned.

He has the acting chjops for it. I'm just a wowed that for such a high profile role, they cast a relatively unknown actor (to American's, at least) for Parker. But if it gets him attention then great, more people should know of Andrew. He was great in Boy A and the Red Riding trilogy that aired in the UK I think

Can people only refer or compare movies now to previous movies from only the past 5 years? That trailer just reminds me of a cheap True Lies knockoff.

Black Velvet
Maybe because I"m just not a big Crystal fan in general, but I thought theat performance was screechy and out of tune. As if she were trying to make it a big power vocal song when it's not.

Not A Regular Viewer
Okay, not really a huge Glee fan. I've watched maybe less than five times, so maybe I'm not with everyone else but I understood that Jessie or whoeveer was dating.. the one annoying girl who wears cardigans a lot and I don't know how long he's been on but I just cringed at almost every line he

Just another way of showing I don't watch anything that has to do with crappy hilariously-pitiful-trying-to-be-serious CGI movies, I guess.

When's this airing on Scifi again?

Man, my dad over Christmas made my mom and I turn to some channel airing a midget movie and this was it. We had no clue what it was and though I filmed pieces from my camera of it I had forgotten about it until seeing it here. I just remember my mom and I making possibly inappropriate jokes about it.