Forrest Gump always struck me as slow, not dumb. He was Hollywood mentally handicapped, not the real thing.
Forrest Gump always struck me as slow, not dumb. He was Hollywood mentally handicapped, not the real thing.
I don't know who this guy is, but I hate him for his stupid ties!
If they're equivalent, the Union was King George's England, and Trump just came out as a Lost Causer.
Oh, there's no doubt he has racist feelings; I'm just saying in this case, the motivation to get angry at reporters and double down the "both sides" rhetoric could have been due to his hatred for being criticized. With a little of Column B that he has racist feelings.
They got Mrs. Potts! They got Mrs. Potts! Can someone take my little tea cup children into hiding? Please, for the sake of all that delicious tea that will go un-dranked because we're in Betsy DeVos' re-education camps.
It could be he's less a white supremacist and much more he's angry with being criticized for his behavior, which is always perfect and he's never wrong. Like Russia, if turns out he personally did not know about any collusion, it could be he ego-blunders his way into looking guilty and awful. By being guilty and awful…
So the rally was made up of Unite the Right supremacists. And Trump thought it was also significantly made up people who weren't supremacists but only Robert E. Lee statue fans? Even if the latter were there, they couldn't have been many, right? Did he specifically defend the Unite the Right people, calling them by…
Well, so much for going through life with Grace. Looks like the Chastain here simply ate Brad Pitt and absorbed his philosophy wholeheartedly too. Which is not a bad thing at all! I like that she's choosing/ getting typecast as strong, take-no-crap women, what the MRA types would call the B word, but our B word.
Three episodes in, I was hesitant to continue. It's a high-concept show with ridiculous plotting—and I guess I'm not too much into that, despite there being a glut of shows that feel the need to amp up the ridiculousness every episode. But that's part of my reading of the show as a subtle black comedy, instead of the…
Making almost all the feuding characters into older men gave the film a nice elegiac quality that made it more substantial than your run of the mill crime thriller.
Stamp is one of the few actors that can make a revenge picture feel less than hoary. Replacing Willis in the Death Wish movie wouldn't have made it good, but maybe a tad better.
If I were your college friend, I'd be writing in a letter to the NYT's Ethicist, asking what to do about a teacher who thinks black children are inferior at learning. That is a very harmful position for the kids and the school.
I know and haven't looked at it, but if all the regulars will be on it, yeah, okay. (I'll still be LK in Kinja if I decide to stay; I just liked that line to the dog in Hail, Caesar!, being both a social democrat and having dog-like ambitions.)
Because I could not stop (reading) the AV Club, it kindly stopped for me. If we're doing our pre, pre, pre goodbyes, I might leave when the dreaded K comes in. Your long pop-culture community nightmare of my many-sentences block paragraphs are over! I was hoping to make that a thing—no fair books get to enjoy multiple…
Maybe show your folks the Vice episode that aired last night. They had already sent a reporter to Charlottesville and had interviewed and were following the march and a United We Right leader, who before and after the events of the day said the they had no trouble with violence, would commit it themselves, and…
Way off-topic, so getting in here before Kinja arrives. When I saw The Founder a month or so ago, went to your review and was disappointed you Tree-House-of-Horror style didn't change your byline to "Jesse Hamburger." Which you should have done! Oh well, remember that for next time when you review a movie that in any…
Last Soderbergh movie I saw: The Limey. Ostensibly a crime picture, but done in a fragmented way to be a very poignant character study.
Colbert Report's Colbert would have flayed this guy; I fear Late Show Colbert will be nice and respectful. Contradicting, by the way, his own very funny vicious comedy on the Mooch. But we'll see.
Curse ye, this is a rather succinct way of putting the problem, and one I hadn't thought of.
I thought, "Couldn't they get one of the dragons to help with the kidnapping?"