Libidinous Kettle

I've recently been thinking about the phrase, "Here I am", and how wonderful its construction. I was listening again to Simon & Garfunkel's "The Oldest Living Boy in New York"—after reading the AVC movie review—that gorgeously said it at the end of the song, answering the narrator's worry with reassurance and beauty.

The implausibility of the timing bothers me much less than the implausibility of the Arya-Sansa plot.

We've gotten admirable self-restraint from the writers this season regarding the nudity, though the value of what we did get is higher because it was Messandai and not a random trollop (though we like them just fine, too). So I expect there'll be a little bit more nudity but from the main characters.

Or, he knows the union is supposed to happen in order to save Westeros.

I knew that! I'm not some hick from the boonies. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to make love to a cow.

Time-stamp, please—I don't want to listen to this guy more than I have to. But I did find it, the Dominican nun in red and glasses at the 37 minute mark asking about how he reconciles his faith with gutting government programs for the poor. His answer, if you knew nothing about him and his party, sounds reasonable! He

Speaking of planets, I always get the word "saturnine" mixed up to mean fat, instead of gloomy. I think because of Saturn and how it's the second biggest planet in the solar system, though fat people don't have beautiful rings around them. So what I propose is calling the overweight (which does include me)

A little off-topic: I just saw Anne Fontaine's wonderful 2016 film Les Innocents, and thought of Coppola's The Beguiled. Both are about a group of women in a closed-off space during/after a war, where they are threatened if they leave but also threatened if they stay. And how they deal with conflict among themselves

As implied in the article, "didn't warrant the reboot" and "beloved title" contradict each other.

I thought the entire reason for the commenters here was that we were too lazy to do actual stuff, including gimmick accounts, which sound like too much work and I'm staying in bed.

Finding out about this news on only the two articles here, and not reading Ms. Cole's account, my uninformed hot take is that, irrespective of Joss Whedon and his relationship to the term and the female sex in his movies—one can be a feminist and still use it to cheat on a wife and sleep with other women (sounds like

Dude, get thee to a tea shop! I drank tea when I was born (my folks lived a while in England, plus Armenians drink lots of tea), long before I discovered coffee. It's quite good. Especially with milk. I heard John C. Reilly once on Letterman tell an anecdote about working in England and always having a "cuppa" to go

I hope it doesn't come to what Bannon wants: Low-info voters who think race and economic problem solving are zero-sum, and always voting Republican because the Dems, to their eyes, only care about race. We had that marketing in the last election, and, uh, it worked.

You should get into coffee, and get insomnia. Larry David and Seinfeld both weren't fans until later in life and now I think they drink it.

I gave up drinking soda regularly after my teens. I will have one occasionally, and prefer the Coke with the real sugar.

Today's Politico article about the chaos inside the White House, confirmed what I and many suspected as a big motivation for the Tuesday's press conference: independent of the racism, he was pissed about having to give Monday's (scripted) condemnation of the white supremacists, and, according to people who work in the

LK's non-entertainment, synergistic-with-handle debate question.

If they made it as the 60s version of the future, that would be interesting.

If any argument can repeal the 22nd Amendment, it's the Obama-Trump transition.

" Baby kidnapper Obama says goodbye to his many, multicultural victims on his way to steal more. What— white babies aren't good enough to be exclusively kidnapped?"—Lunatic conservative media headline, probably.