Libidinous Kettle

I'm changing my mind on Benioff and Weiss' planned Confederate. My defense was it was part of a long literary history of counterfactual fiction, and I hadn't heard any outrage about those books (though I don't frequent the SF book community). Plus that we shouldn't unintentionally let racists/misogynists/assholes be

Pretty good episode, except for Littlefinger's deception. Hopefully Arya knows she's on a TV show with this very hoary trope and is laying out a trap so that he'll be discredited and banished without the loss of the soldiers he brings.

A spectre is haunting the dinner parties of America. Social etiquette scolds of the world unite!

To really get across the point that HBO isn't fucking around, that statement should have been drafted by Susie Essman in character. Or Ian McShane but he isn't working there, anymore.

Geez, man, I'm sorry.

We don't even need the glasses; the capitalist overlords aren't even hiding. "The goggles—they do nothing!"

Laline Paull has a new book out? Of course she does; it's almost like she's a professional writer. Loved The Bees, a Homeric version of bee life.

Wouldn't do to have Queen Victoria run around in her underwear.

"Essence of propriety." Thanks for turning me on to these lads.

Woo-hoo, I made it! I can now exit on a high note! Bye, everybody!

There is no more objective truth, baby! I say Russian Revolution.

First Cop: "Someone has stolen all of the New York Knicks."
Second Cop: "Let's check Spike Lee's house."
Note: Joke abruptly ends here because I live on the opposite coast and am too lazy to look up their current record, which I will take a stab of a guess at and say it's not good. Thank you.

Quite. It bloody well is.

The free use of curse words (how could I forget the foul-mouthed poetry of glorious Susie Greene?), and especially being able to go as dark and provocative as he wants with "taboo" subjects, certainly gives it a plus over Seinfeld.

Shouldn't that say "knickers" in the headline?

The lighting in The Beguiled was so dark that I didn't recognize her.

Nicely put. And that he points out ridiculous things in society. I was thinking about what he could rag on this upcoming season, based on my complaints. For example, beer labeling that says the brand was founded in the 14th century. No it wasn't, Stella Artois. Narrow two-way streets that are actually wide enough to

Crowe and Gosling are great, but the kid truly does steal the picture. I hope she has a nice, long career.

The Battleship Potemkin, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Doctor Strange

Before the election, there was speculation that there would be many such confrontations and violent acts if Trump became president. I expected more, but it really hasn't happened too often. An "always look on the bright side of life" thing.