Libidinous Kettle

Yes, first thing I was going to mention was "I can't understand Donald." Curmudgeonly second thing: the style of our pop culture age is frenetic pacing and postmodern, ironic comedy with the same joke and dialogue tropes. I don't mind the first but am getting a wee bit tired of the second, when there's a glut of 30

This weekend I will seek out Venezuelan food in solidarity with the Resistance. Eh, no I won't.

With media publishing and amalgamation the way it's going, in a few years time they might be recommending Japanese sex robots. The AV Club became Blade Runner-ish so gradually I didn't even notice.

Neat title for the cookbook. Now I want to see a hooker version of that movie.

Quick, what's a Venezuelan fast food we can get Trump hooked on so he won't attack. I'm continuing a joke I made a few days ago. Won't be able to do that with Kinja.

First part: Good to hear.
Second part: Oh, the irony. If Trump actually had slept with teenagers, as he always said he wanted to, methinks he wouldn't want them to have his babies.

I'll recommend a fascinating New Yorker long read from earlier this year I was recently reminded about, on how Sillicon Valley billionaires are trying to "hack" death. It's informative and ridiculous at the same time.

Just watched the first two episodes. Actually, I'm reading the show as kind of a black comedy. The premise is ridiculous—and gets called out as ridiculous by the drug dealer, who is also intrigued (meta!). As is some of the other plotting. Like Green Acres meets all these other neo-noir shows.

Holy crap, she's topless. I never thought of her sexually, so, thanks? No, they're good pictures.

Truly the second great national tragedy this year after Trump. Didn't your mother always tell you: In Africa, there are kids who don't even have commenting systems! I only realized today how stupid the name is, not thinking about it before, because I thought I didn't have to. Oh, wait, is it supposed to be a combo of

Yeah, the book is fantastic, and I did make a comment here after finishing it (not the only one no doubt) that Murphy should use it for his Katrina season. Which he's actually doing.

He didn't do much exercise, for the leader extolling prime physical culture of the master race. That's why he was a vegetarian. It's like Ayn Rand with accepting Social Security. Or something.

Hey, I just learned about the Swing Youth from my Richard Evans history. And I thought: that should be a movie. And I went online, and it was! Eh, I'll eventually see it.

I didn't watch him much, but I got the impression that he was a polite, nice piece of shit, vs. Roger Stone who's an aggressive, obnoxious piece of shit. I may be wrong.

Let's just always blame Jeff Zucker, for Trump and everything else wrong with media and government today. Is that good with all of you?

Also he's pretty much the same character, though I think House had more self-awareness, cynicism.

Hey, Ebert published a negative review of a movie he had only seen eight minutes of. There's precedent! But I've decided to watch the movie again, this time in its entirety, and with a more generous cast of mind for fantasy nonsense. Not that everyone's waiting on bated breath for LK's reviews, but stay tuned.

I used to have the hackneyed idea of literalizing Graceland as a movie, but this would star Russell Crowe and Cate Blanchett as a Kiwi-Australian couple living in America, who go on one last road trip together with their son before the divorce, and also learn about America, incorporating another Paul Simon song I

Well, it's got a suprising-to-me 72 score on Metacritic. The positive critics call it fun. I didn't really have much fun, nor saw it on a big screen where the special effects were evidently more dazzling. I'm not predisposed to superhero movies—I like to love them when they're done well and are interesting—but this,

Look on the bright side: at least he didn't say "fire and brimstone" like a crazy religious nut!