Libidinous Kettle

Here, let me elucidate the bright side. No off-topic thread, right? Well, I'm going to talk about my disgusting foot fungus, in detail, and then how pencils are really a conspiracy by the government to train raccoons to do abortions. See, you wouldn't want to hear that.

Just saw everything but the last 56 minutes of Doctor Strange. Basic, common question for film critics: when you realize a movie is bad, or crap, how do you pay attention to see if the movie does anything good in individual scenes or in other aspects? Why I can't be a film critic; I wouldn't be able to control my mind

Wait, The Wire isn't about Joan Crawford? Well, there goes my interest.

LK's Network of Fried Chicken and Tea Cozies is about to launch. Please watch.

I don't have a gun. Can I throw my TV at my other TV? I'll throw my radio at that TV.

Since the printing press was invented, have we reached Peak Books?…I don't think so. *snorts, goes back to reading*

She's a cliche, but Holly, from the books, I loved. Hope Justine Lupe, unknown to me, nails it.

Not having two sisters, I wonder: would adult sisters really bathe together in a tub? I would venture, no?

Seriously, I will not take this lightly. Stupider things—like Donald Trump becoming POTUS—have happened. But this is a test of executive checks and balances, when his advisors and military people would try to stop him if he got pissed. Plus Congress, every political official and leader, the American people. On North

I don't like to binge watch but I've been doing it for a rewatch of all of Curb Your Enthusiasm, plus episodes I had never seen before. I'm in the middle of S3. Like potato chips that one: grab a bunch and go to town. Anyway, if we're all going to die, I should do this. It's also a dark show, as perilous as 24's

I understand. I know less than you about the situation, but no matter how crazy these two world leaders are, I doubt they're that crazy and bellicose to start a nuclear war that could destroy the world.

Not to excuse America's inherent racism, which is pretty bad—slavery in our country for hundreds of years followed by de jure racial terrorism—but every country that has ever existed is also inherently racist. It's in our DNA. I blame the Neanderthals whom we had sex with (get it?). Not sure what my point was. Where's

Relax, Velocirapstar; you're being very un-Velocirapstar.

I disagree. It's a post on why the movie was popular. Well, the simple explanation for that would be because it's good. Besides a film critic is writing it, and not talking about the quality would be a waste.

Don't you worry about blank, let them worry about blank!

"How's life treating you, Mr. Peterson?"
"Like how the Man in Black treats the Dark Tower."
"Shut up and give me my beer."

Interesting Dowd, the film critic, doesn't really talk about the quality of the movie in this piece, as if it's assumed the film was bad. It wasn't bad! It accomplishes what it sets out to be: a romantic melodrama and disaster film where the first makes you care about the second. The love story doesn't have to be

Emma Stone must forever in amber remain Asian!

For one of the last times *sniff*: PHRASING!

Well, editorial having no choice in the matter—good luck. Ballsy the corporate overlords are doing this now, when a revitalized spirit of displeasure and resistance at a radical, hated change is sweeping across the land. It'll be interesting to see if a mass leaving will happen, and whether that'll effect the bottom