Well said. Yes, Better Call Saul is more "entertainment" than the more artistic Americans. It has depth, don't get me wrong, but it's story is less ambitious than the searing examination of ideology and family.
Well said. Yes, Better Call Saul is more "entertainment" than the more artistic Americans. It has depth, don't get me wrong, but it's story is less ambitious than the searing examination of ideology and family.
Like Lucy dispensing box-store therapy, I give out Hollywood information. That'll be 5 cents.
I like the chutzpah of Trump supporter running in California, even though it's completely delusional and unintelligent. Just like his excessively-positive-thinking master! But this time, no it won't work. Yes, your Dracula was on TV like you were, but he played a successful businessman seen by many more millions of…
It does thematically work: that the kid who doesn't know who his parents are and doesn't see them that often is doing the best. That creates more guilt and drama for the parents.
Which means she's going to die.
I said on the BCS review that Chicanery was an episode of the year, but, after watching tonight's The Americans, the latter feels richer and deeper and with more character moments than just at the end of the other episode. I think both shows are outstanding but Americans is my favorite, and I don't share Sepinwall's…
The heartbreaking seduction of Paige Jennings, initiated by her own emotions. But the show follows the literary spy genre in making all this spy work caused by personal feelings. That was both an exciting final scene and a sad one: Paige is feeling and using her power to mess with people's lives, and this time she can…
I thought Phillip was taking Elizabeth to a tied-up Pastor Tim. From the final scene, guess that's next week!
I want to thank this show for introducing me to the very talented (and hot) Nicole Beharie; a little less for introducing me to the medium talented and hot Tom Mison. But I wish her a great career with many great roles. Maybe she and Ruth Negga could play crime-fighting sisters or something.
This is why I can speculate and see the partisan divide, which is really a partisan grand canyon full of rabid dogs and piranhas, not ending in any other way than a second civil war. I don't actually believe that, but Republican voters have gone along with their party to become a religious cult that nothing will…
Unfortunately, maybe, because our system doesn't take into account sudden, radical political events/changes well to have a snap election system.
Charles Manson is only 82.
I was thinking this morning if Trump got impeached, we might have to hold new elections, for the first time, thus screwing up the election year dates. And everything is taken back, including Gorsuch.
Bite me. Should have looked a bit down.
Jack never destroyed the damned Island and now it's the end of the world.
He loves playing Scrabble, because he has the best words.
Crackpot* conspiracy theory time: what if all of this is like a 3D chess long game by the WH to fan the flames of a story that's not there—Trump had no collusion— by acting guilty, so when that is finally revealed, the media and liberals will look like fools and Trump will have weakened the resistance to gain even…
It's not chickens dressed up as cowboys? How disappointing.
It's always fun when a movie is deep enough, or has seemingly non-sequitur vignettes, that you start thinking about the filmmakers' intentions and start thematically connecting the dots. This sounds pretty attractive. I've been saying for years—on this site!—that Blanchett should do a ramshackle, stupid comedy. I…
Oh you beautiful multilayered show. I felt more sorry for Chuck this episode than I ever have, and Jimmy (and Kim) did do a terrible thing and they knew it. But Chuck started it all with taking away Kim's clients and as a child by feeling insecure and hating his more confident, more affable brother. I don't see how…