Libidinous Kettle

I saw Five Easy Pieces. Man, is it elegantly constructed—plot points, information, characters and themes very nicely given. If you haven't seen it, I recommend not finding out what it's about, because it takes a very surprising turn. It's very literary. The best screenplays—and best directed movies—manage to pack in

Black-ish does some very new, socially relevant things with race in the sitcom, but it also is just a sitcom and uses those tropes, like the goofy, helicopter father. Give the show more episodes. It's best ones, throughout its entire run so far, eschew those sitcom plots to say something much deeper and emotional than

Good grief, sounds like the cure was worse than the disease ;). No, hope you're well.

"If I never see the English evergreens I'm running to, it's nothing to me, it's nothing to see" from Dollar Days and the song itself is a piece of intentional dramatic irony that makes me teary every time. "I'm dying to(o)". Superb album.

Again, in a country that was founded not to have a lifetime king, it's amazing to me that we have unelected, lifetime SC judges, and only 9 of them so they're like a king and court.

The Martian was fantastic (and I hated the book!) Maybe Ridley Scott should stick to hopeful space stories.

More drinking and sitcoms?

Not to take the word of his hippie doctor, but he seems he's not suffering from that. Reportedly he's taken a baby aspirin daily for years, which if his diet is mostly fast food, is a great commercial for Bayer, but I don't think aspirin is that miraculous.

Since pundits in the media started talking about her being a moderating, liberal influence, I can see people grasping at that. But even if she were, a bit, she never really broke against her father and isn't likely to.

True. I wonder how much his boyhood church of positive thinking—his pastor was Norman Vincent Peale—affected him. Sounds like quite a lot, as Trump is the most positive, overconfident president we've had in a while, if not ever. And that creates his delusions. Turns out, to do the job well, you need a good sense of

I liked how the movie played around with time and perspective in those crash scenes. The movie's about one event, seen differently by different people, with the accompanying different states of knowledge about it. Which I found both physics and philosophy, just a bit.

Eh, that description in itself sounds less damning, as I'm sure many boarding school kids hated it and wanted to go to NYC to have fun. Open question how smart she is. A book made up of other's people's quotes, including the tone deaf ones, doesn't say anything positive in her favor about that.

It's cool. The director of that film is named Savage Steve Holland. I'm, well, right, I can't mock anyone for putting an adjective in their name. Maybe I should start going with Buckaroo Banzai.

Actually this was the episode where she became a lot more hot (to be crude!). That office singing number—lordy. Oops, that should be one reply up.

I've been rewatching tonight's skits on YouTube for the past hour—that's how good this episode was. My hardest, most uncontrollable laughter since, a few weeks ago with CK on the sectionals, was the Song for Peace sketch, and I hadn't even seen what it was parodying (Hungarian rapper Speak has a lot of heart, I'll

I was parroting the MSN. I never believed it either.

"Brace, Brace, Brace! Head Down! Stay Down!" Just finished Clint Eastwood's damn good Sully, the most fluidly made thing of his I can remember seeing. Like it's subject, Eastwood is an old pro who in this picture does a fantastic but unassuming job doing his job. I don't really care if the movie isn't faithful to what

"Little buckeroo"? Hey, I'm only ten years old mentally.

Ivanka Trump is 35 years old. That's young to begin with, in terms of smarts, emotional intelligence, and wisdom, but she is further handicapped by her inherited wealth and really only working for her rich father. Likely she is not as intelligent and mature as other 35 year olds, those who, well, worked, held a

That's okay; you're a slave to your eyes.