"How do you guys play a sport with crickets? Don't they fly away and stuff?"
"How do you guys play a sport with crickets? Don't they fly away and stuff?"
Somebody ask him what the England had to do with Australia. Go ahead and ask him.
Well, as I read it. She didn't get anywhere with the case with her trip and investigation into Ted's life—only to find out more about Ted and what happened to him to make him change his identity. Just like the robot didn't need to walk the earth and see the rise and fall of societies, but just bore witness, which…
You're right. We have civilization, after all, and that—-as well our species current population numbers—wasn't built on constant warfare.
Hating is much easier than loving; it requires far less work and energy. People with little in their lives can always find purpose by hating something. Get enough people doing that and you have a political party and a dysfunctional country.
This doesn't even make sense logically. If she's going to be fighting crime, she'll need to eat.
Because when you think of the Amazons, you think Manhattan model waif.
Yes, that may turn out to be his greatest disappointment/tragedy: that he thought the Republicans could be reasoned with, and then wasn't progressive enough in his bully pulpit. Even if nothing passed, the political culture would have changed years before, like it's beginning to change now.
If we're going back to the old health care system, then maybe we shouldn't federally subsidize corn, and allow so many unhealthy restaurants to exist. Much like being anti-abortion and anti-sex ed. You're getting screwed both ways.
Boiling blood will no longer be covered. No, it's okay: it'll die in the Senate, and if it doesn't it won't be exactly popular. People will die again, which is terrible, but people will also be more woke on what the Republicans are doing than ever before. Hopefully!
The most vicious one will be about Westeros' new health care law. ("A Lannister always pays his debts, but, jeez, my pre-existing condition of dwarfism is super expensive.")
Gloria's look of pure unhappiness in the motel was the moment this episode became and stayed great. Nice parallel with the robot—both observers who see the best and worst of humanity, how time changes people, and they bear witness. That is their "help", their purpose. Gloria's was to find out about the life of the…
That's not how addictions work, US attorneys. Intelligence and sophistication have nothing to do with it.
The cholesterol isn't going to simply announce when it's going to attack him; that would be stupid.
Show a little class shouting at me by writing it out, thank you. A note is much more genteel than yelling in my face.
Why do people watch cable news when they can read print news online? Do you like people shouting over each other?
Yeah, I said, "Viva la Chicken!"
That would be better than the worst other thing that could happen, but the show wouldn't dare do that, would it?
Every time a scene is set there, I get a craving.
With Jonathan Banks reprising Mike, the showrunners are locked into making a BB prequel. It's going to be half-cartel, half-Jimmy all the way down.