Libidinous Kettle

Liked Mike not wanting to get in the middle of a brothers' feud by commenting on Chuck.

I thought Gus would snap cleaning up the tables, but, nope, he's playing trash b-ball. I would like to see an episode, or two, of casual, not-at-work Gus Fring.

He may be our first ever "regular guy" president. Joe Six-Pack. Palin was the warmup but he's the real deal—a civilian schmo you'd find at a bar. Of course this is why his supporters loved him, but they also assumed that didn't preclude business skills that would be good for the country. They, suffice to say, were

From the sponsored ads, Miley Cyrus has a kid sister made out of plastic (no offense).

The Hidden's evil alien worm is about to come out of his mouth in the header photo. But, if it's all the same to you, dear AV Club, I shant be watching this clip; I, uh, have to do my hair.

Poets, after all, are the unacknowledged gangbangers of the world. Or something like that.

Saw a nightly news clip the other day where the reporter was in "Coal Country", I forgot the state, visiting high schools and asking the kids about Trump. One student thought illegal immigration a big problem, saying that they took Americans' jobs. That depressed me, seeing the conservative indoctrination (this time I

Ivanka will sit next to him, hawking her "Complicit" perfume.

Started watching Showtime's Guerilla. John Ridley's other show, and I waited too long to catch up on this season's American Crime because my OnDemand doesn't have the first couple of episodes. Oh well. But he is a good director, from the pilot of Guerilla, but the writing and plot venture into melodramatic thriller so

Next thing you know, you'll have an opinion on the capital gains tax!

63 million people voted for this person. That is a national crisis of un-critical thinking and being uninformed about reality. Whoever else runs in the future, we'll have to do something about that.

Trump himself is too much of an uninformed, politically uncaring idiot to be a fascist, but his team can be.

Bart was less hustling/grifting than providing a service to the women, who knew what they were getting and paid for it accordingly. I guess both parties were hustling society.

That makes me wonder if he watches much series TV. We know he spends a lot of his day watching Fox News, but what shows does he like?

Are more show seasons now made ahead of time than in 2007 so that fewer will be affected? Exempting the late night shows.

Foster had been planning making a biopic of Leni Riefenstahl. Don't know if that's been abandoned or what, but I'd be very interested in seeing such a project. Oh, it's you, Allison, so you already knew that.

After finishing this, I fervently wish there were more documentaries (and feature films) about filmmakers being impacted by life. We get too many Hollywood as a cautionary tale stories but not enough how directors approach how to film life and how life influences their filmmaking. Excellent documentary. I particularly

Bruce and Merkel get high in the Oval Office, come up with totally groovy trade plan.

People who wrongly think, perhaps, that government has helped minorities over them. Maybe they wouldn't care about that if government was helping them. I think a racism has an economic component; if everyone is happy and has a good standard of living, minorities won't be scapegoated. If we had a much inclusive New

Elizabeth: The Golden Age is very entertaining. I really like the lush cinematography of these films and their bonkers energy.