There's no clearer sign that there is a political intelligence crisis in the American electorate that needs to be collectively, nationally addressed, like the Manhattan Project or going to the moon.
There's no clearer sign that there is a political intelligence crisis in the American electorate that needs to be collectively, nationally addressed, like the Manhattan Project or going to the moon.
Newman is only unlikable to Seinfeld and his friends, but since they were all jerks, maybe he has a reason to hate them. I think he'd be funny to hang out with. If we were friends, I'd tease him constantly with what his nemesis calls him, which is his name but in that tone of voice. If I would be completely safe,…
I've said this here before many times but it's amazing how far in many different ways we fell electing this guy. America went from a country that elected reasonable ideas of presidents to a train wreck on many levels, and we went from a society that used to be outraged over one scandal to being used to daily big…
Jon Stewart doesn't have retirement figured out quite yet. He can save us! Stewart-Pet Goat Rusty 2020!
So long (very cute) middle-aged English prof. Julie. Welcome John-Turturro-playing-older-man Eric.
Maddow had a very good closing monologue tonight on how we can't get used to the breathtaking number of scandals coming out everyday in this administration, not if we want to hold on to the norms and the very essence of our liberal democracy.…
No, don't be, that was my comment about the write-up when Katie said it was weird as a reply to you.
If you can call the robot spiders searching the apartment in Minority Report an action scene, it is a damn good one, with many different parts constructed together to create a very taut whole.
Both also take childhood as a subject.
So Henry didn't appear much in The Americans because he was doing his own movie.
The line really isn't incestuous. She means she can't find a dependable, nice male other than her son. I'm sure lots of single mothers have said that.
Yep, that was my biggest "What the hell?"
The show—yes. The previews—too many. I do like their one-opaque-scene commercials but they could cut the number down next season. With Hawley working on this excellent show that just finished, I hope he gave some good quality time to this season of Fargo.
Clark's tender backstory was also ironic, as a gay man with a black son, who now is burned, has a job going after mutants, or other people who are discriminated against by a traditional society. I loved the series because it was so very artfully made and didn't do superhero tropes, at least not in a traditional way,…
Can we accurately, with lots of evidence, say that it could be simply that people aren't politically bright? I understand not voting for the Democrats because you validly feel they've mostly represented the interests of Big Finance and educated elites instead of the "common man." But do people know about the only…
I remember loving Home Alone 2 in part because it was exactly the same as the original. I didn't know the concept of "metafiction" back then, but if I had, I would have said the sequel comments on sequels.
No snap elections in the American system, alas. Trump being the best argument for them.
But Democrats have ignored the working man for a decade and more. So, naturally, the working man voted Republican because they've ignored him for far longer. Seriously, Democratic leadership should do less soul searching and more yelling at the American voter for not realizing the other party's nuts.
What made the novel my favorite as a kid (and still King's masterwork) was the ego-fluffling lyrical romanticism about childhood*. His best prose followed this purpose. I still recall the scene where the some of the Losers are in their clubhouse in the Barrens (or close to it) listening to 1950s pop radio, and they…
So I saw a commercial tonight that had me asking "WTF?" A mom and her daughter are driving in the SUV when they see in the next lane a similar car being driven by a woman with no seen kids. Suddenly a big cargo delivery truck springs out in front of them from the cross street. Because the first woman had this brand of…