Libidinous Kettle

Liz's line about the guy hurt my ego a bit, as I too would use humor to be charming and not because I'm too full of myself. But hopefully he's full of himself in another way off camera.

I thought it was Paige trying to find comfort from all the stress with her parents, by trying to get closer to her parents.

He's been secretly using the same steroids the Russians used in the Olympics.

That scene while intense in its dialogue and emotions was comical in thinking that turning on the sink would cover any speaking. I mean, in a big house with the kid upstairs with headphones on, it would, but he could just pop in.

—I like Paige a lot, and I don't want her to do this, but PICK UP A JOHN LE CARRE BOOK ALREADY, PAIGE. No, don't, keep your innocence, but I dreadfully think this season culminates in Paige on her own honey-trapping Matthew, once she discovers what that is. Don't discover what that is, Paige!
—Nice development with

Nothing better suggests that Jeopardy! has gotten dumbed down than a FJ that simply required simple subtraction; I think most people could guess "Gettysburg". Steve looked like if Lost's Hurley went back to school and became a professor.

Sorry to hear that, man. Hope your rest of week (month, year, life) goes better.

Mom stops filming right when the sewer attracts the little girl. What would she have said/done under the streets?!

You've thought in detail about this!

I don't know if Gore could have prevented 9/11. The intelligence failures and bubbles were too great.

Giving us all an opportunity to end our sentences with raised inflection questions?

Maybe. But I take the progressive obstructionist insanity of the GOP as still happening, and with eight years of a Democratic president—whether Gore or Obama—the country not realizing that and still electing a Republican for changing-of-the-guard sake. If Clinton runs after Gore, maybe Trump runs too and becomes

If that truly cost Gore the election, then the alternate history is W. never gets elected, Obama playing the savior after that never gets elected, and Trump playing the counterrevolutionary force never gets elected? Obama and Trump would have still run I believe, and still won.

Pres. Obama, his job and burden done, already went to the Undying Lands.

He's showing that an overweight 70 year old man with a terrible diet is still alive? Though that's going to be tested with the stress of the presidency, or whatever stress comes from whatever little work he does.

I'd like to see the first much more than the second, though I wouldn't mind seeing the second. But maybe Jared can have a positive influence on him; don't laugh! I mean, I'm hoping.

Of course I know people can be uniformly awful, and uniformly awful at their jobs, but there has to be something good Pres. Trump will do during his tenure. Anything, come on.
…Here's one: more than Barack Obama, show kids that truly anyone, and I mean anyone, can become president.

No sea monsters will eat my ice cream, thank you very much!

By Zeus, you're right! That was the first name in the Wikipedia post I missed. I guess he's their boss.

Out of my glass jar of pennies, all pennies, nothing but pennies, I just found the singular dime. Using it as a talisman, I shall now build a fortune, get into lots of adventures with my nephews and other assorted hangers-on, and swim in a giant vat of more coins. So long suckers!