Libidinous Kettle

I'm alone in my island thinking Trump knew who he generally was, or the name (because who doesn't know who Frederick Douglass is?) and knew he had died, but just used the wrong verb tense, because he's Trump and "he doesn't talk so good" or care about that. Trump did bring him up himself, probably because Douglass is

Lucky you not knowing who she is. No, Elizabeth Hasselbeck is Churchill next to her. Lahren is very dumb but smugly very dumb.

In that makeup, she could have also played Bannon. This isn't an original idea, but I was thinking that showing Bannon as the real president with the real power, and Trump as a doltish underling who's too stupid not to be manipulated, like they did last night, could make Trump fire the guy, since he doesn't like to be

Speaking of that, whatever happened to the Killers? They had like two hits and then disappeared.

Here in California, we recalled Gray Davis, for reasons I can no longer recall. Seems strange this country of 50 states can't throw a bum out without a stupidly harder process. (The Founding Fathers were fucking men, not fucking gods. For fuck's sake!) ((Phrasing!))

Both leads are fantastic, playing against type somewhat. We didn't expect Raylan Givens to play this indecisive, anxious, beleaguered suburban husband ("We're realtors!"), and we didn't expect the endearing Barrymore to start feasting on human flesh. But good that they cast in her that part as the tension between her

A hesitant "Seconded" because I don't know how old she is. It's a safe assumption she's in her 20s, right? If so, then, yes, I agree. Is she also Bono's kid?

Who would have thought that men violently hitting each other for a living would be dumb about politics, or anything.

A joyful Marxian dialectic. Dancers of the ballroom unite.

Her smugness is completely unearned, whereas Maher's is based, most of the time, on facts and evidence. But she is in her 20s, when you might stil think you know everything. That could be her saving grace: she could outgrow her dumb beliefs, if, she stops being financially incentivized for them.

I can understand that! But I guess we shouldn't turn into a society of punching people. It's not a good example for our dogs.

Nah, my feelings of rage only last as long as this sentence. And then it's back to my laid back self. I will however continue to watch Maher as I've gotten used to his shtick. He's an insult comedian; I don't finding him annoying and his smugness is funny; and I like his berating of extreme conservatives as stupid.

Yes, of course, a man should never ever hit a woman. But I'll throw my support to the other thing of a good, compassionate woman being violent towards an awful, awful woman. These times, Core, these times, they're driving me nuts. Like everyone else! Okay, we need like a day of dancing it off.

She vomiting profusely made me laugh the hardest. It's Meaning of Life cliched but for me it still works as being unexpected and gross enough that it's funny. I like Olyphant's kind of milquetoast character. He plays him just a little off, exaggerated or something to go along with this little off world. Is Liv Hewson

Tonight's Bill Maher show: For the first time in my life, I wanted to punch a woman. That woman? Tomi Lahren. Does she count as a Nazi, since it's acceptable to punch them now and I don't have to feel bad for having had the thought? I can't stand this very stupid, insufferably condescending person, whose stupidity is

Decades of ever escalating batshit movement conservatism becoming more and more mainstream plus yuge nationwide gerrymandering have brought Republicans to this natural endpoint.

Finding out Judge Robarts was appointed by Bush made me wish he was president again. (That's how bad Trump is!) Or at least the celebrity Austrian superman who isn't a white nationalist he's been feuding with over ratings.

I guess. You're no fun.

Shhh! We like the narrative that the Bush Administration was too dumb not to understand Colbert as conservative satire.

I think I just saw Colbert make Trump start a war with Iran. Oh boy.