Libidinous Kettle

This reminded me of the the workers who listened to the conversations between Americans in the Bush warrantless wiretapping program. Some had ethical problems to it and quit their respective agencies because they felt it was wrong listening to regular conversations that had nothing to do with terrorism.

That might happen if we also didn't think politician should be a lifetime career.

I'm waiting for the Reichstag fire.

He's focused on being loved by the people who voted for him, when he said batshit illegal things they loved. So he'll continue to do those things, horrifying the rest of the country, creating their hate which will drive him back to his supporters and doing even more batshit illegal things. It's a terrible feedback

No problem, Thomas, as I felt you didn't lash out, and my comment about Republicans being a cult was in response to reading many online comments where people were believing the most untrue things about what constitutes the Democrat party and liberalism.

What if your local paper is crappy, or, worse, conservative and crappy? I get the LA Times, which is liberal and kinda-crappy; no, they have good work but I wish they could ditch their very stupidly named parent company.

Last time I checked, a NYT subscription is freaking expensive. I am not paying 10 dollars a week for a three times a week or Sunday only paper-plus-digital subscription. No matter how bad Trump gets. Luckily, I get it free from my local library. Which I wish patron numbers will also go up during this administration.


Ooh, American Beauty slam in the penultimate sentence. At least I hope it is.

You're sadly right. How else to explain Trump's victory other than millions of people thought a completely unqualified person could do the job because the job didn't need a a very experienced, knowledgeable person, ie, those establishment elites that have ruined America.

Politics is like the only field of knowledge where you are encouraged by the culture to hold forth even if you know nothing about the subject. We don't accept this for any other profession. "Yeah, I'm not a mechanic, but the problem right there is your Johnson Rod, which you should replace asap."

and that’s another thing, we’ll see what he does compares to what he has said…

That is also cute. As you can tell, I am a bit partial towards this microbiologist.

And his mother was a brief, Trump-cabinet-like head of the EPA under Reagan.

The best movie of the year is on that list, and since editing is basically making the movie, I go with Moonlight.

Invent time machine. Go back in time to when 93 was a baby. Kidnap him and take him to a future or past, in another country just to be sure. Would Pres. Trump still happen? Would Americans be just as divided and a political party just as extreme? Maybe!

Thanks for that graphic. Not great, Democrats. Not great. It reminds me of something I read years ago about how smart people assume other people they talk too are smart too. Nope. Democrats are failing because while the GOP may have a deluded sense of America based on optimism, they have a deluded sense of Republicans

It's a good thing Doug bet only $600 on John Donne because he clearly knew no British or Shakespearean history. Henry VIII was king in 1610? As GOB Bluth would say, "Come On!" Lisa's joy after winning was pretty winning.