I walked into that one.
I walked into that one.
Bitching About Terrible Advertising Corner—I've come to hate those Ancestry.com commercials with people discovering their family's multi ethnic genealogies. DNA isn't coded for national origin. This is fake science fooling people repeated a lot on TV.
I like how you guys are inching closer to covering Trump straight, without a pop culture angle. I look forward to when you get there.
Paul Ryan: Shockingly stupid or a multiple personality patient or one of the greatest liars and hypocrites ever. He's so amazing a human being that I would be relieved only by that third thing, where he actively, knowingly does malice.
I like the irony of your username.
It's a great, classic movie, but I don't know where the cliche of it being the best film of all time came from. Just checking the latest Sight & Sound poll, it's number 21 (as if you all didn't know, Vertigo is at the top). Personally, the subject matter of yet another movie about the mafia knocks it down for me,…
Did they have owl orgies? Please say they did.
I look forward to the America where absolutely everything is politicized, from food to your cells and organs, including the zombies we'll all become as a result, feeding on each other's flesh in partisan, braindead rage.
Future historians will give a lot of blame to Facebook for the mess we're just beginning to be in.
Yeah, you asked a tautology there.
Why do all the water methods of transportation this immigrant travels on end up encountering trouble, including an unexplained fire? Suspicious, I say.
Has DeNiro gotten more polysyllabic as a talk show guest since he was Fallon's first? I hope so, otherwise why have him on, despite he being Robert DeNiro.
Judge Judy may not make a bad Supreme Court Justice.
I enjoyed greatly both 1 and 9's respective chicken dances.
Freddy Mercury finally has some justice. Oh, wait, wrong Ice.
Trebek's "dad jokes" skirt insult. Today he kept reminding Joe and Valerie that they stayed at home while Lisa was always the microbiologist. Even though the former had jobs too, so they weren't really stay at home parents.
Like folks here kept repeating "Delete Your Account" to Clinton haters, I'm thinking of writing "Fuck all Americans who voted third party or stayed home, especially liberals." nightly for the next four years, or however long it'll be. Okay, it's a mouthful—not three words long—so I'm open to some good editing.
I know. I expanded it to include any conflicts of belief that aren't worth fighting over if it's with a loved one.
Do all of those things. And sitcoms. Watch lots of sitcoms after your very politically active day. Watch them for the next four years to get happy. Even if they're not that funny, they'll be a a mood lifter. What you wished life and America were like.