Libidinous Kettle

That first scene, I noticed they weren't letting her talk and thought it just a gag, but then she opened her mouth. Honestly, I liked Lina's voice. It was cute. Jean Hagan did a marvelous job considering her actual voice. I love the Russian nesting doll metaness of Lina being dubbed by Kathy as the plot of the movie,

It's not the most hopeful, but I want to give a shout out to the little seen Dom Hemingway, Jude Law playing a very profane criminal who is released and goes looking for his adult daughter, played by Khaleesi. I didn't think the movie would be quite lovely, but it is, and a philosophical if not spiritual lesson of

Hear, hear. The Tea Party did hijack the Republican Party, but the most influential hijacking occurred in the 1960s, when moderate Republicans were gradually ousted by movement conservatism. Asked by an unnamed mainstream magazine to pick six books about important developments in politics, Jonathan Chait chose ones

I only know the Frontline episode on both the candidates, where they delved into their biographies. Called The Choice. And a few newspaper articles. Fred Trump apparently was a hard man, a big taskmaster, who pushed his children to be as competitive and ruthless as they could be so they could inherit the family

What I should have seen much earlier in my life: Singin' In The Rain. I saw it the last night of the Obama administration. It has a magnificent meet-cute. Debbie Reynolds is luminous. There's a gorgeous shot of her on a small ladder on a soundstage staring at Gene Kelly with the studio lights behind her. I was

If Trump did order a recreation of Obama's cake, that could mean he's insecure stepping into the job, maybe? I just thought of a presidential Oedipal thing where Trump hates his predecessor but also wants to be as effective and beloved as he was. That might be something to track.

"Ooh! Erotic cake!"—Rick Perry.

Shocked by profanity and employing white males who assaulted women: Hey, CNN, 1950 TV called to say, "Get back here!" Seriously, cable news and network news in this country deserves to be loathed so much. It's shameful to America.

Obama was kind of this as a campaigner but perhaps tragically and inexplicably didn't do it too often when in office. Democrats need to find someone who can be very entertaining, charismatic and can, without losing accuracy, distill complex issues into energetic, morally outraged sound bites. I guess Bernie and Warren

Actually I have published a few, but so far none about Trump. And I guess I can start moving around if I have to for my country ;)

Can't I just write a strongly worded letter to the editor? Protesting means standing and walking, and I ain't having that! Edit: Finished reading your comment. Oh my god.

Misogyny, sexism, sexual assault are so familiar to women that they don't find it as abhorrent anymore and will overlook their idea of what a standard man does because they liked Trump's jobs rhetoric. Which is honestly, SAD!

Honestly, my reaction to his speech was that it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Some parts a progressive could have said. Others, like the "carnage" fear mongering were Trump but not as excessively as he's done before. It was very simplistic and crude, and a lot of his sentences were repetitive, variations on

Finally finished and highly recommend 3%, Netflix's Brazilian sci-fi show. I was dismissive starting it, in part due to a snarky and uninformed WOT blurb when it premiered, but I was wrong, and you shouldn't dismiss things at first without really giving them a chance. Part of it is also that Netflix seems to have so

It can be soft and sensual grabbing.

I wouldn't mind Ruth Negga, her initials being RN notwithstanding.

"I see now why you don't grab women by the pussy." (I thought there would a Trump reference; was disappointed, or relieved.)

If I remember correctly, there's a scene where her cat goes missing and George Peppard finds it and pick it up.

So what you're saying is that poor people should put on dog costumes so they'll be treated better/at all and deigned to be noticed by powerful white people. Well, whatever works in ending poverty. (I agree that this story has gotten overblown.)

It would have been more shocking if this movie, with its many dogs, didn't have such an incident. Dogs don't follow all orders, especially when they're tasked to get into dramatic situations they don't get into in real life, and the crew is trying to put a scene and movie together on limited time. If the dog in