Libidinous Kettle

At least your whores are the best in the world, I've heard.

I don't have the data, but I would assume most Republicans are no longer the extremely homophobic to the point of crazy kind. The conventional wisdom was that the US moved to gay acceptance quicker than most other things. With Pence, it becomes a bigger problem, again, and with a potential very conservative SC judge,

A dime a dozen action show, but this one with the US military, is a cheap, only cosmetic way for the broadcast networks to change up their shows to talk about reality. Get back to me when you have one or more blue collar sitcoms, or a political satire about a crude businessman becoming president.

He wouldn't dare. Her father can call in a favor from loyalist drone strike operators.

I'm all for her appearing on Whose Line is It Anyway?

Minority of One: That's kinda a cute outfit. Something a young Swedish woman in Sweden would wear.

I for one welcome our new TV pitchman overlord, and would like to remind him that if needs somebody to spill something on the table so he can clean it up with the Shamwow, I am available.

So I bought Time Magazine's Person of the Year issue last month, as I try to do every year. Finally got around to reading it. The rather well written piece is accompanyed by photos of Trump supporters with little captions of why they voted for him. The cover is headlined the president of the "Divided States of

Which Freeform cannily showed tonight.

Besides the allegory of substance abuse and gender roles you fun guys pointed out, that also looked like a comedy to me.

I think Ryan always believes what he's saying, and Rose is much more trusting an interviewer who wants to satisfy his curiosity about how the world works rather than make himself look good. Though, to be fair, Charlie could be grilling Ryan for all I know.

Both Gavin Stone and Dallas Jenkins would make good male porn star names. That's all I got.

The softball interview is a terrible thing and an abdication of the press. Paul Ryan is currently on Charlie Rose. I'm not watching it. If Charlie is not questioning what Ryan says, with evidence that proves whatever he's saying is wrong, what is the damn point of having him on? Because in this case, the speaker

Yes, which makes Trump and his equally inexperienced team and how they'll govern all the more a train wreck.

*Connecticut politician

Unless those people are voting for Trump because they're white supremacists and want him to kick immigrants out/ implement discriminatory polices. He was endorsed by the KKK after all. And he seems to have inspired a wave of hate crimes/sex crimes, like that Connecticut grabbing a woman's genital and stating that he

A Rick Perry "Oops" on not reading the entire question. How about Best Picture winner? I loved The King's Speech and thought it well directed. Yes, it ran against the superior Social Network, but I didn't find it a generic Oscar bait bio pic. But seen it just that once though so who knows if it holds up. And I have

Maddow's top story tonight that that the National Security Council hasn't been staffed, based on the NYT article, along with the breathtaking disqualifications all his cabinet nominees have made me think that yep, we've elected Sarah Palin for president.

To be fair, I'll put up money that most Americans—including a high percentage of Trump voters—don't know what the DoE does. But they haven't been governor of a state, much less a big, important one like Texas. I would like to think all governors know what the Dept. of Energy does.

John's story about giving correct change to Tom Brady was pretty boring. Aaron: Aladdin was not set in India!