Kenny was superbly cast. In a lot of cases, it's all about getting that right face.
Kenny was superbly cast. In a lot of cases, it's all about getting that right face.
Going slowly through this latest season of Black Mirror, I think my latest ep, "Shut Up and Dance." one of the best of the series (though, so far, temperamentally, its elements, and with that emotionally beautiful and hopeful superb ending, "Nosedive" is still my favorite). And it greatly redeems the cheap, shock…
I don't get it, either. People can wait for the proper review. This thoughtless, no-reason-to-do-it behavior should be a Black Mirror episode!
I thought Kenny, being a minor and looking around 16 or so, was looking at girls his own age, or just a few years younger, not under-10 children. The sex offender laws in this country are pretty strict and wildly disproportionate, and watching the episode, I thought the UK could have had similar laws.
Amy Adams! Amy Adams! Amy Adams! (To the tune of Matthew S.'s "cbs!"). Wonderful in Arrival. So much so that I don't want to see what appears to be a polar opposite character in Nocturnal Animals. I have no idea, but just going by her slicked up, predatory look. But give the woman an Oscar!
That irked me greatly in the Godzilla remake.
At first I was pissed that 60 million people voted for him, but lots of people liked his ideas, and Republican voters don't know any better—a dog with an R next to his name will get tens of millions of votes. No, the horrendous next four years are on Democrats-eligible voters who stayed home or voted third party.…
I think it is. I may be overpraising it here; I was ready to ditch the series at the start of the second episode because I didn't like the pilot, but this time the ep. grabbed me. We'll see how the rest of it goes.
Winter is always here. Even when it's summer, winter is, uh, coming. Also, I think it's the most poetic of seasons so I want it come quicker.
No, wasn't chiding you, just curious. I'm stoic about these deaths myself,. The only one that really shocked and saddened me the longest was Robin Williams.
Sweet, man. I'll make sure to avoid that Irish band faux pas if I ever meet him, which will be exactly never years from now.
How is the Weather in Your Region? Corner. Here in north LA, it was raining over the weekend. That's stopped but we're getting pretty cold. California cold, which isn't real Midwest and Eastern cold. Yes, yes, it's true, we're cold pussies, but that's a big reason to come to California: so that we don't have to wear…
For a Halloween party once, a last minute costume I found was a Kmart jacket that looked like Harry's on that cover, and so I painted a crude lightening bolt on my face and went as an over-the-hill Potter. It worked. But why I don't dress for Halloween usually.
I'm reading the new Daily Show oral history, and it is fantastic. One of the big themes of course is media criticism, since that was the main subject of the show, how awful political TV journalism is. It's great to read about how the show and staff worked really hard to shine a focus on it, based on Jon's and everyone…
Bring back VR5. It's topical now! I mostly forgot the show, including how it ended.
I was wrong about Netflix's Brazilian sci-fi limited series import, 3%. The second episode is much better, and/or I have more of an open mind. The tests are much more interesting and there's some good character work of this group of 20 year olds trying out to enter a mysterious utopia. The way the series is portraying…
No artists who died in this mortal-coil-leaving prolific year that you cared about enough to be shocked and saddened that they died? If it's an untimely death I feel it more than just someone from old age of natural causes. Family and friends of course excluded: there of course it's much more devastating.
Sure. I've alternated over who would be worse; Pence as radical Republican we've at least seen before, though that is no consolation for women and the LGBTQ community in his Handmaid's Tale admin.
I'm not surprised given how bad every other nascent policy and person implementing it seems to be. But better you than me, Scrawler, keeping up with the Trump news like that. I mean, I try, but I have to pace myself over these loong four years.
I haven't seen his infrastructure plan, assuming that like most of his "policies", it was vague. I do know a bit more about his tax plan and THAT doesn't make sense. But, like Sanders and Warren, I'm hoping that whatever terrible plan he had is just a first position and that he could come around to do some good. Very…