Libidinous Kettle

Two I'm thinking of. The NYT got some tapes by a biographer that kind of reveal a very insecure, angry, sad man.

I think, or like to believe, that he's a tad deeper than that. Sure he's a narcissist and egotist but he may be aware of that. There were some interviews that were uncharacteristically introspective and sad. I also wish the pop psychology label (I think it has no basis in medical fact) "sociopath" would be retired.

I wouldn't recommend watching it. There's a new Batgirl story in the beginning that makes it even more sexist, and the rest of the film is just animated torture porn. That may have worked in the graphic novel because panels are less vivid and time consuming than actually seeing the thing. Since I read it years ago, I

I do think he does love this country and does want to help it, given how long he's wanted to be president. But that isn't worth a bucket of spit in terms of his actions, which are shaping up to be horrendous. And it's not mutually exclusive to wanting to get even more rich using the office, and the glory, too.

He and the animation were the only good things about The Killing Joke.

That was a startling tweet. Three million illegal voters are a giant treasonous conspiracy within the heart of America.

I'm not in denial that he's the president, but I may be a bit that he'll serve the entire four years, the way the awfulness has already started. Help us, Electors: you're our only hope. Lawrence Lessig the other day persuasively argued in WaPo that they should elect Clinton. The Elector College "is not meant to deny a

I'm jealous you got to talk to him. His last Charlie Rose interview in a New York restaurant was fantastic.

Agreed. Though after you hear the piano version, the proper version diminishes quickly. And I've said this here before: "Stay", from Zooropa, is top 5 for me. With both songs, as with so many others, the band really knows how to craft a lovely, gorgeous, heart wrenching tune.

I promise what's on the tin! I don't think a discussion of what makes good looks is shallow, actually. To quote YouTube wisdom, someone said the other day that beauty is the art of nature. Kellyanne isn't beautiful, but I like her body, like that she's an older woman, and she's got a "dirty" look that I find

AB is a classic, though my favorite remains Joshua Tree, but their other two 90s albums, Zooropa and Pop, are excellent. AB and Zooropa are tied for best album openers. *Forgot JT's "Where the Streets Have No Name", perhaps my all-time favorite song from them. The albums after that are all, generally pretty good, with

Totally agree. Our founding document has become religious in more ways than one: just as people have their personal beliefs first and then use their Bible to justify them, same with the Constitution and what the Supreme Court does. In both cases, both texts are really just empty vessels continuously filled up with the

That may be true, but, god help me, she's kinda hot. I'm sorry! She doesn't really look like old-woman-haggard to me, and the disparity between her face and childish voice is sexy.

To be fair, the "principals this country were founded on" were kind of bullshit. More a platonic ideal than lived, practiced reality. As everyone knows. Not that I'm saying they're not worth living up to. Also, of course, this country was founded on bloody, rapacious capitalism. Sorry, I just started Oliver North's

So today after seeing the worst episode of Black Mirror (I know! My thoughts, if anyone gives a shit, are the newest comment on Playtest's AVC review), I saw a fantastic 60 minutes double segment on a subject broached, lazily, in the episode: Alzheimer's disease. Lesley Stahl reports from a Columbian town where

I am disappointed that this "lovers in a concentration camp" performance by the former Olympic ice dancing wife of Putin's press secretary and her actor partner did not feature actual barking dogs on skates. You gotta commit, people. What happened to good-old-fashioned showmanship? ( My uncontrollable laughter

That was the first thing I thought of as an AVC comment while watching the episode: CALL YOUR MOTHER!

The best episode of the series followed by the worst (so far). What was the bad technology being satirized? I guess horror movies, in like a Haneke-Funny-Games way, but as the video game developer said, horror movies serve an emotionally cathartic purpose.(And video games, in an irony Charlie Brooker probably was

Thanks. You probably will have to link again after I finish season 3, at my rate, a year from now. ;). What was the season 2 fight scene that was your favorite of the series? As for Semblane, the poignancy of that character was that he probably knew but wanted to help and honor his friend anyway..