Libidinous Kettle

Just passingly heard that's horror or very bloody. And it stars the great Gugu Mbatha-Raw. If it's anything like "White Bear" in tone, should be very good.

From what I've seen of him, there's no reason he should be on TV or be known publicly. Maybe his writing is smarter than his speaking.

All hail Dikachu! Dikachu is life!

That's never stopped any NYT bestselling writer before!

I think there's a pretty good chunk of U2 fans who consider Achtung, Zooropa, and Pop excellent. I do. But to me, they've never done anything less than a good album.

Well, how was it, man? I suspect not good?

In their AV Club interview, Jones and Schur said they received a complete, pretty detailed outline of the entire episode by Charlie Brooker. Maybe being very busy and living in England, he doesn't know Community or hadn't seen that particular episode? I didn't watch that episode, either, and so I'm glad ignorance can

Yeah, Phoenix and that ending are fantastic. Nina Hoss is an amazing actress.

A penguin! And he's been drinking! Wait a minute—penguins can't fly! PENGUINS CAN"T FLY!

I'd like a sci-fi work of fiction where all heads of state are nice mensches. It's not a natural law that power has to attract only the assholes, nor that governing requires it; we just fucking made it that way.

I corrected less than a minute later. But still too slow, apparently! Please continue to point these out, people!

I haven't seen it yet, either, but it's on my radar.

The asshole is dead! Long live the (our new) asshole!

I watched the pilot for Netflix's Brazilian sci-fi limited series, 3%. It's about the poor residents of a poor Earth who try out to live in a mysteriously located utopia called "Offshore", with only 3% of the annual applicants being accepted. You have to be 20 and go through these arcane tests. The production design

Black Mirror, The Daily Show (The Book), Elizabeth: The Golden Age, Virunga, The Nice Guys

Black Mirror S3, Ep. 1, Nosedive. Did I just watch my favorite, if not the best, episode of Black Mirror? I think I did. Certainly the most sweetest, and, BIG SPOILERS: DO NOT GO BEYOND THIS POINT I MEAN IT, the best meet cute I've seen in a while, and that better be one or else 1 stars for everyone. Beautifully,

A thousand movies a year? Can one become a good critic—or a good artist—consuming that much art that there's barely time for thought?

I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm a white turkey meat nationalist. The dark meat's okay—I wouldn't kick it out and build a wall against it—but white is the best.

I didn't know her politics, but, if Democrat, shitty that she died right after seeing a woman just miss the presidency.

I left the site for a week. What happened to Evil Lincoln and his IMDB birthdays?