I love to put hot sauce—green, red, black, whatever, as long as it's super hot—on everything. Not in cereal yet, but give me time.
I love to put hot sauce—green, red, black, whatever, as long as it's super hot—on everything. Not in cereal yet, but give me time.
My parents, not being American and therefore football fans, turn on the TV to the Armenian marathon and let it be for the day and night. The fundraiser raises money for infrastructure projects in the home country, with an interesting crawl of the givers and where they're from—all around the world apparently. It's not…
Happy Birthday! I hope you never had a birthday where you were slighted actual gifts. Your supposed "loved ones" do that on holiday birthdays you know. The bastards.
No, I decided I do not care for this new font. Too boxy. The Scion of fonts. It makes the AV Club look like an early cyberspace site. Can we change it back? What petition can I join y'all in signing? Revolution? Protests outside their offices? Pitchforks and torches? Say whatever and I'll be there. Eh, I can get used…
He could be impeached for holding on to his businesses while in the office. Can't he? Someone give me a Thanksgiving miracle here.
She's in Jane Mayer's book on the Koch Brothers and other extreme right-wing billionaires buying elections with Dark Money, and setting up fake impartial think tanks and college academic departments that really just advance the anti-government, libertarian philosophy. Her husband runs (pyramid scheme) Amway. Her…
I was thinking, if we want to be very strict, that she didn't pronounce the s in Outsiders, but I guess it would have been too heartless to take away all her money after she lost the previous DD. But why bet only $800 on FJ, Lucia? I thought she would bet big to win big.
Hear, hear!
It looks much too professional for silly people like us.
I just hope this stereotyping doesn't get worse, since, as I keep saying, we do need to hear, understand and have compassion for each other. Come on coastal liberals: don't retreat into your shells.
But, remember that the Creature's murderous actions were because society had shunned him and his father had rejected him. He was Mary Shelley's blank slate, open to the sins and virtues of the world, a living measuring rod to how good and bad the world was. Not just as a politician but as a person. I think in a way…
In addition to the point about perspective, the election night skit, I thought, was satirical of coastal liberals stereotyping the conservative parts of the country and their people as monolithic and bad, not understanding them just as those parts of the country may not understand coastal liberals. A critique,…
I posted this about the episode when it aired: his life story is a perfect symbol of America's problems: that ever consuming "greed is good" and winning is better philosophy turning a father into a cruel person who scarred his son into holding the exact same destructive values. And the more sensitive, kinder oldest…
He is Frankenstein's creature of America's problems that created him. A reality TV star who flings insults but can't take any himself representing a society where one half of the country feels the other is too mean to it. That's pretty damn apt. He is a perfect literary symbol.
You're welcome, friend. Have a great rest of the weekend.
I'm proud of myself as a writer for finally being this succinct in my point, that was paragraphs long in other posted posts.
Contrary, Slate-y, explaining, empathetic Trump opinion: maybe it's not so much as Trump is a sociopath with no core principles except getting loved at his rallies, but that he's child with a fragile ego whose father messed him up to not recognize the very wrong things he did are very wrong. Maureen Dowd on Charlie…
I hope we can finally recognize that not hearing each other and finding a common bond as Americans and human beings, instead of as parties and interest groups, has big(ly), dangerous consequences.