Libidinous Kettle

Five Easy Pieces. Recommended by a friend who said I would like it because it was literary. Hey, from the cover it's about Jack Nicholson being, a piano player? I was not expecting that. Alas, did not play, because an apparently tarnished library copy. I'll track a good version later.

Basically saying that he was a populist in an age where people felt Dems and Republicans only represented narrower American interests. People with economic reasons to vote for him, so that he could help bring back jobs, voted for government actively helping them, which is what government used to do under FDR and

It's a dilemma, isn't it: we more than ever before have a duty as Americans, all of us, to pay attention to the news, much more than ever, so that we can protest at the first sign of Trump and his administration doing anything horrible and harmful to people, the country, and the world—but, at the same time we must

I'm surpassing you in length with my own comments about politics. Maybe I should do a dueling political blog? Pistols at dawn over the AV Club's Politics Corner, Good Sir.

I'm sure other Clubbers have done it this week: spent their entertainment time reading news, reading and writing comments about Tuesday. We've had to do it. I first recommend Sadness from Inside Out, and public, collective expression of grief to unite us and in this age of fracture, bring us together as a country. But

He fails it because he answers a trick question about treating other people badly with an affirmative because he wants the promotion. That's why they dismiss him. The question is a test of character, with the law firm pretending to be a rapacious one that doesn't care about hurting people in order to weed out the

Also he fails his ethics interview question, lying about an issue that can cause real harm to people in order to get the job (the first shown quality about his character, and not a good one), thus losing his job, thus starting the cycle of all too familiar male rage against women. This episode could have been set in

I was just thinking about the now very relevant Sneakers this morning and watching the relevant clips of Cos and Marty talking. I had the fantasy that he and Kingsley could do a sequel set in Pres. Trump's America. But guess not.

You've done a good job with this column, mate. And I more than understand you taking it more easy after the election, though you could still do it nightly if you choose, either with Republican mischief and obstructionism, not to mention endless Clinton investigations, or, criticizing Hillary from the left, like Bernie

Sarah Paulson on Full Frontal reading Hillary's emails, and especially "Please Print" repeatedly, was very funny.


You can never escape. Neeevveerrr.

He needs to do a comedy with Holly Hunter again.


Bridgegate verdicts! Illegal immigrant worker Melania Trump! Voter intimidation rulings! Characteristically crazy things happening down to the wire!

That actually makes me feel better.

Yes, it's still amazing that the person who is endorsed by the KKK, in freaking 2016, has a shot at being POTUS.

Replace the Euro with the Hash Brown. That'll never go down! Unless dunked into ketchup.