Libidinous Kettle

Just scrap all the burgers (but keep the fries, coffee), and only serve breakfast. That should bring in the profits.

Wow, didn't expect that from GK. Very nice.

Polling and electoral experts—like Larry Sabato on tonight's O'Donnell—still say it's very hard for Trump to win, and it probably very likely is, but people are naturally worried. I might as well link to more emotional worry-wart Andrew Sullivan's good piece on NYMag today, entitled "America and the Abyss."

Read "Warren Christie" as "Warren Christopher." That casting would have been interesting.

Did Monique Parent do any hard-core? I remember her only from Skinemax movies.

SWINTON. Hell yeah. I Am Love is fantastic, and also a favorite of Nick Offerman and Megan Mullally's.

The Deluxe with everything on it except pineapple but including anchovies.

Just saw on my L.A local news, a group of Sanders supporters made a big sign to drape over a freeway overpass urging people to write in Bernie. FFS.

Now the New York FBI office is explicitly budding in, with one current agent telling the Guardian that the FBI is "Trumpland."

I wish all the WoTs that noted Netflix premieres were all in one place for easy access. Netflix tells me what's new, but this would be easier.

As someone who always takes off his glasses to read a book, I say he didn't have an actual problem, dammit!

The only episode to legitimately scare me was "The After Hours", because I saw it alone when my parents were out, and even though it was daytime. Imagining those mannequins in my house.

Father Doug let them stay because he's attracted to Chelsea.

I hope she retorted, "I don't need a dildo; I'm staring at a dick right in front of me."

Don't worry! He's still gonna lose!

Arnie's not doing much of anything, except taking over The Apprentice, so he might as well have an Escape Plan (2) handy, given what's happening to his predecessor.

I didn't say Pence getting on top of the ticket was a good thing…I think it would be rather terrible, as Clinton's Republican support would evaporate, if Trump's working class support might to, but less likely. It'd be a much closer election. Or not, I don't know anymore.

Well, I didn't, as I didn't watch the show, but I take your point. If Westworld does have an Eight Year Plan, I hope they can fit that into five years in case HBO threatens cancellation.

Honestly, I'm indifferent; I've accepted it as part of the furniture of the world. But I do wish people would stop communicating everything in their emails, since it's likely if you're a person of importance or a celebrity, you'll get hacked and those emails will be public.

She was gay. Her brother interviews her lover in the film.