Libidinous Kettle

You see: everything is answered in comments. I had forgotten who played Dany, just like I am still forgetting who won Best Actress in this year's Oscars (didn't Alicia Vikander win Best Supporting?, actually, no, she won Actress, but now I'm blanking on who won Supporting). Anyway, thank you: it's Emilia Clarke. How

I mentioned this in PCW, but I'll say it again to make a point everyone knows by now, or should. I'm reading Jane Mayer's Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind The Radical Right. Mostly about the Koch Brothers. Whose many think-tanks, nonprofit organizations and foundations— all designed to get

I finished Listen, Liberal: Or, Whatever Happened To the Party of the People by Thomas Frank. He argues that the Democratic Party has abandoned the working class, and (this is my comparison) has become as stupidly ideological and driven by pulling yourself up from your own bootstrap as the Republicans. Instead of an

I've been listening to Regina Spektor, who has a fantastic and gorgeous new album, Remember Us to Life. I particularly adore the wistful, lovely "Grand Hotel."

It's been years since I read the book, but I don't remember thinking that. Based on his other books and the Claudia Roth Pierpont bio, Roth likes to have two opposite moral positions greatly and tragically clash, without revealing which side he's on. And as bfred said, the novel is from the Swede's point of view, who

Wait a minute, Letterman's not on there. Letterman's not on there! That's it. Cancel Christmas!

This election repeats itself until Donald Trump becomes a good, kind person.

"The Oscars are rigged. My Mexican should have won it already"—Donald Trump.

That line of argument on the taxes is incredible to me. So what Trump was really doing in years of avoiding paying taxes was demonstrating that Clinton wasn't properly doing her job, as head of the IRS I think, in going after him. I think that's conventional or classic bully behavior. You blame your victim for taking

Thank god I love poetry. I read this after tonight's main event. As a debate detox, cleanse, I present to you Nobel laureate Wistawa Szymborska's beautiful poem, "I'm Working on the World." From her new and collected poems, which I have.

Trump is Trump and is going to say and do what he's genetically programmed to say and do. But Mike Pence and the rest of the team who are now towing the "rigged election" line are pieces of shit. That line in the debate truly sank him in the Marianas Trench with cement shoes. But, sigh, people are so easily led. After

Why does John Krasinksi keep having birthdays when he already has Emily Blunt? Highly unfair, I say.

Sure, I'm not doing a movie purity test on Tilda Swinton, whom I adore. The movie looks pretty interesting, actually. And she can do any movie for any reason, including the good one of money. I could do without the newest form of marketing, though, pioneered by Fallon, probably, where actors play games. It this were

Right away, Swinton reveals she's following the American election. But this—the dumb press junket (I made it a few minutes)—is the price she's paying for doing big budget Hollywood movies like this. I bet she never had to play Operation when promoting Orlando.

There will be a second Gutenbergian Revolution I tells ya!

Probably not, but I guess it depends on if they could recognize JEJ's voice. Black audiences who knew who he was could have known what was coming and hated it.

Donald Drumpf loves dose double Ds.

That almost but not quite makes up for Vader being voiced by a black man when he was white. Almost.

After Nov. 8, The AV Club will only have every trivial bit of Star Wars news to get instant clicks. What will they do? How will they go on?

I'm sure they're in there.