Come on, dude.
Come on, dude.
I like their chicken bowls.
It's heading to the point when Hollywood loses all its movie actors to TV, so they'll just CGI people in all their superhero movies (come to think of it, what they do in that fantastic Robin Wright movie, The Congress). The point being that Hollywood not making mid-budget adult dramas has the same deleterious,…
El Pollo Loco, man.
Most likely, but TAKE NOTHING FOR GRANTED. Remember Brexit.
Kathy Bates and Sarah Paulson as Trump and Pence.
Roger Clinton breathes a sigh of relief that he's no longer the dumb presidential brother.
I hope there's no Bradley Effect and liberals staying home because they think he's going to tank badly anyway.
We got a bit of a preview scare of what a Trump administration would have looked like in relation to the press: Democracy Now's Amy Goodman will not be charged for covering a North Dakota oil pipeline protest, a judge ruled, rejecting the prosecution's move to go after the journalist.…
And now for something completely different. Michelle Obama on the cover of the New York Times Magazine. Goddamn!
Apt that the book she's holding is called Get A Life!. Yes, indeed.
I'm just disappointed these things are getting increasing media attention, not from the AV Club. Pretty soon, under the stellar leadership of Zucker (if he's still running the place), it'll be CNN—Conspiracy News Now.
Who could have predicted that there was a boiling vat of crazy conspiracy theory under what we called civilization, and that a fat, orange pervert with a banal three word platitude would have made it rise to the surface? Good job, thousands of years of human progress.
The Accursed by Joyce Carol Oates. Luis Bunuel meets Penny Dreadful, in Princeton town circa 1905. There are strange happenings with the town's political and prestigious aristocratic families, scions of America's Puritan founders. Oates' take on the Gothic novel, filtered through social justice concerns. In her…
No, this was awful. The episodes are now so top-heavy with tags and stories that all of them lose any weight and effect, becoming nothing more than pop culture references here, like a Family Guy episode (and it felt like the total running time of the ads were greater than the ep's). And the show's increasing reliance…
I agree with your first paragraph, especially the media's role in defining, or not defining, socialism.
I give this one a B. In a sentence I'd never thought I'd say about SNL, I couldn't stop laughing during the CHONK sketch. All the film pieces, including Melaniade and that wonderful existential sink were great. As was the film festival. Between that and the art limo sketch, the writers are making a point to…
High school, four year math and English classes are mandatory. So should a four year course covering civics, government, history, and economics. Last time I was in high school that was only a year. But becoming an educated citizen is of much more importance, personally and for your larger community and country, than…
Oh, right, he was the main backer of the legal suit that brought down Gawker. Yeah, I don't like him.
I don't know much about him except his politics, so how big a moron is Peter Thiel?