Libidinous Kettle

All the feminists a hundred years ago and earlier who constantly heard, "But women are too emotional, irrational and unintelligent to vote. Leave politics to the men." would be having a bitter laugh at the demographics of this election.

Someone should hack Trump's teleprompter so that he starts saying ridiculous things. That'll sink him.

In A Year With 13 Moons directed by Rainer Werner Fassbinder. Richard Linklater says on the special features that it's his favorite Fassbinder film. An intimately empathetic melodrama—and German post-war allegory—about Elvira, formerly Erwin, who had a sex change to please his boss whom he had a crush on. But the boss

That justifies the thread right there. Lovely.

Dylan would be a Jalapeno Kettle Chip man, cause he's piquant and crunchy.

Good man. I hope the AV Club spends next week on a daily Hear This of songs the staff argues for.

Right, there's nothing dumb about it. His body of work is so rich and varied, though, that it would be hard to pick just one. He's not a potato chip.

I love that, to his mind, he's only being logical. You know, because he's a scientific man.

Yes, his greatest love of all is himself. No one loves (himself) like Trump.

Okay, addendum: A Dylan song you love, since there a billion of them already and it's unfair and very difficult to pick a favorite. So another of mine would be "Not Dark Yet."

Yeah, it's a dumb and impossible question, but I just adore ASToF.

I'm amazed he thinks of children as future dates. Like Native Americans using the entire animal, Trump has expanded the dating pool to almost all of humanity. *vomits*

A lovely song from the new Nobel Prize winner in Literature. Assessing one's feelings honestly and not so honestly after a breakup. "Most of the Time" from the 1989 release, Oh Mercy.

Donald Trump has the superpower to turn everyone who spends a sustained period of time with him into a piece of turd. Today's example: Dr. Ben Carson. On Morning Joe. Telling Joe to turn off Katty Kay's microphone after she questioned him about the assault allegations. Saying it doesn't matter whether those women are

I saw one of her post-primary-win speeches. She talked about love, community, compassion, almost in a way a preacher would. It was great. The fallout from this election—when the partisan hate will be as strong as ever, if not much greater—she needs to do that and with much more frequency. And generally, put positive

He's powerfully understated in Westworld. In it, he's playing sad very well.

Fun Fact: It's also Jeff Bezos' favorite novel. Make of that what you will.

It's a greater scathing indictment on Republican politicians and the mainstream media. Whatever media can deceive people, who have busy lives, so that they don't follow every political story. But politicians and the mainstream media should have known better, and did, but decided for personal, short-term gain and

He was never going to win, but that he got this far is shameful for the country and the Americans who supported him. Even with their economic situation and contempt for both parties—come on, it's Donald Trump you made your boy. Donald Trump. Donald Trump! Putting his long, long, I mean long list of negatives aside for

I don't follow Lou Dobbs besides knowing that he's right-wing. So it was surprising to me. Also a bit less surprising but still surprising: how bonkers Giuliani has gotten.