Libidinous Kettle

Jumping the weekend gun here, but what the hell: Thoughts on Grey Gardens, which I just saw for the first time.


The rich are not like you and me. Though I think if they were truly wealthy and not upper/medium middle class, they would be more frugal, when the latter aspire to live like the former, so feel the need to flaunt their high priced purchases as status symbols. But probably Warren Buffet and Zuckerberg wouldn't have

The upscale mens' magazines seem pretty useless, perhaps a dudebro shell of their former literary and esteemed selves, or a great amplification of what was already there. (Is Maxim considered the common culprit for their decline?) I haven't picked one up in years because I'm tired of covers proclaiming, "HOW TO BE A

I haven't started watching Designated Survivor yet, and don't know if I'll do, but I hope the show is more than an action thriller. A political and personal drama about a man who never expected to be POTUS and now is has lots of potential for mixing the growth of a character suddenly given this much power—the

This sounds a tad like Phillip Roth's American Pastoral but from the point of view of the daughter who meets and stays with a Woody Allan character. I don't know why he cast a singer—Miley's a good one!—instead of an actress, probably because of how popular she is, if he wanted the Millennial audience. I don't know if

They didn't even have the courage to do that. Zoe is still an atheist by episode's end; she just says "Thank God!" after a scary situation has passed, and that's it. It's implied that she at least will use religion in the form of that phrase to get some comfort, and, hey, maybe even believe again (with what Bow says),

Black-ish discussion thread, with spoilers

It's true: I want to be loved!

Oh, good, I now can post my original thought, "Or is she?" Thanks for providing the moral cover.

Fun fact: the temperature varied from location to location.

Thanks! I also want to see her join Cate Blanchett in taking Dude-like roles in ramshackle comedies. Hopefully they'll do those films someday.

I'd really like to see the phenomenal Eva Green playing a regular human being in a realist drama/comedy, or, better yet, on a TV show. Slowly going through Penny Dreadful now, I fell in love with Ms. Green right away, but now I've clearly fallen in love with Vanessa Ives.

And even if that were true—what does it have to do with Trump treating her that badly to the point that it messed her up? One immoral act by someone doesn't justify a completely separate immoral act done to them.

Which not enough voters know about. TV media coverage being about the horse race, Trump's rhetoric, and Clinton's scandals. Some papers have covered it, but not enough to get it really out there. Not the bankruptcies and stiffing workers, but his making his money only by selling his name and not actually running

That's one swindle. Another big one is creating the culture wars as a successful distraction to economically rob those people while ensuring their votes. (Though the Dems haven't done much to help them.)

Hang on—that's not a joke? Is that a real thing people believe? It sounds baldly ridiculous.

From today's NYT story about suburban Philadelphian women reacting to the debate (most largely negatively):

Okay, now you're comically mocking your own reputation here by telling a joke.

"The fault, dear Brutus, lies not in our political stars, but in ourselves." This was a damning critique of America—its faults and negative values symbolized by the two candidates.