Libidinous Kettle

Yet he still blindly charges ahead without knowing where he's going, makes strange noises doing so, and wants to eject Latinos.

I remember a random clip from a 90s talk show, maybe Oprah, maybe Donaghue, where Michael Gross was saying that for actors, talent and work don't matter to a career more than making the right connections and being lucky. Since I haven't heard about him in anything else but these movies for years, I hope the guy's


The only legitimate reason to have so many firearms.

Will one of the worms become a failing real estate developer but, incredulously, a kinda successful presidential candidate? Stranger things have happened.

To state the obvious, Kellyanne Conway sold whatever soul she had. I'm used to hypocrites, but her case is a tad breathtaking, to the point where I at one point was fantasizing that she was a double agent working to sabotage his candidacy from the inside. But, nope.
(ETA: Not spending my precious time on precious

He also picked up Father of the Year when he made a consoling phone call to his daughter after her friend died.

That's why people love him, actually.

I thought Cuse was phoning it in this season premier, and so I stopped watching this mediocre show altogether. His other two shows are Bates Motel and Colony, right? Haven't seen the former in years (because I just forgot about it, not for its lack of quality), but do watch Colony, and, maybe because it was starting

You made it, Sillstaw, unlike me at the beginning of this season. If the show follows the last book, it'll get simultaneously more exciting (as in action-packed) and stupider.

That lucky guy has the enthusiasm of a dog. Good for him.

Yeah, it's shown a bunch of stuff that isn't sci-fi, fantasy, and horror. For example, the Bourne movies. I don't know who would watch them now, years later, but maybe they're picking up a few big fans who stumbled onto it and left it on.

*beat. By which I hope obliterate. I hope 45 states to five, that kind of thing.

That's what I'm counting on. If parts of that Coalition overcome their disdain for her, if black people vote in the same numbers, or higher since it's Trump, Latinos especially since it's Trump, plus a few dismayed Republicans—all of that should be the new to voting working class people Trump might get.

James Poniewozik (NYT's TV critic and all-around great one) tweeted that this Frontline is pretty good at portraying the candidates honestly without the "false balance" thing. If it does that, kudos, but then I hope enough people watch it, since its already on PBS and we just had a debate the night before that many

You're leaving? Lots of luck, man. Please check in from time to time in the comments.

SyFy showed Angelina Jolie starring Salt tonight, the same day Liev Schreiber and Naomi Watts announced their split after 11 years. Quick, someone check that Chiwetel Ejiofor is still married, to a non-celebrity. Apparently, being a Hollywood actor in a celebrity couple hurts your marriage. Makes sense: people that

Look, at some point we're going to have to address the public health crisis and national threat to our democracy not enough people are talking about: how politics became religiously ideological so that people have two sets of facts and perceptions of empirical reality. After all, governing is identifying factual

Also he's on top of cyber security because his ten year old son is great with computers. What?

Trump the pathological liar who's also a TV showman proves that the current structure of the debates has to go. 30 seconds and a minute long answers and rebuttals are laughably short for deciding to elect presidents. They're just enough time to tell a lie, but refuting it takes longer.