
I have to disagree. I feel like the Boltons surrounding the other army in a perfect 3/4 circle and locking shields displayed way too much precision for such chaotic circumstances. Sure, it displayed the sheer suckiness of dying pretty well, but I feel like the realism ended there.

God I loathe her. Just let her be eaten by dragons. Anything.

I think to understand Nixon, you kind've had to be there. Because the country has moved so far to the right, his policy would be refreshing. And since race-baiting and undeclared war are more or less the norm now, we don't really hold that against him. But if you talk to people from that generation, there's just

By condemning 'slut shaming' you have implicitly acknowledged that such a thing as a slut may exist! When you finish collecting for the Brock Turner Legal Defense Fund stab yourself in the testes (they produce the testosterone that makes you so predatory and patriarchal).

Fuck. I clicked play on those videos. Now Youtube thinks I'm a moron.

Yeah, changing careers and I am in the same spot. It is hard to keep my head high because work is really part of my identity. Stay strong!

Aw man, I feel that. I slayed the freakin' interview and could not be more qualified, but I am in need of a work visa, and this probably nixed it. This would have made the remainder of my life the gravy train. Now I must continue struggling for at least 6-12 months and maybe a lifetime.

Oh no. Oh my, no.

I don't want to whisper 'Candyman', but, Dorne's just done? They just, straight up, murdered the subplot? I guess it is for the best but it really was a misstep that we were subjected to it in the first place.

How can the male lead row a boat at sunset, the crickets and night birds making an orchestral symphony, while staring into her deep, dark eyes, if he's a freakin' quadriplegic?

God, she's the freakin' worst.

Yeah, there are weird classes of female actors that are guaranteed to fall off the face of the earth. Young blond women in self-aware comedy horror films. Mission Impossible romantic leads. There may be a few categories that I am missing.

These parody accounts are becoming increasingly inscrutable.

Shit. So she isn't Ashley Judd? And where does Charlize Theron end up in all of this?

So, essentially, they are Texaros.

My thought is that he did, but Littlefinger said that so that Sansa would lure Blackfish out, and then LF would take Riverrun, fulfilling his childhood dream.

"You twelve men! Yes you. Go home and cut down trees!"
{gestures towards a landscape filled with bushes}

Ahhhhhh, so that's why Shelley Duvall is acting so damned hysterical.

Yeah, I dig that she called him on his shit but wished that she stretched it out a bit longer. Why does she not just say that she does not recognize his moral authority?
