
Benedict Cumberbatch in Dr. Strange. It wasn't bad but it was definitely constrained. This was especially off-putting because it was Benedict freakin' Cumberbatch, the most British human in history, and hearing his British English flattened into a monotone was like watching a baby bird try to peck its way out of the

Yeah, I agree on all your points about the characterization, even down to the exact minute where I started liking Redmayne. Waterston was an interesting case as her character was not fleshed out but, in seeing her interact with others, I could still fill in a lot of the gaps. I feel like a completely cheesy consumer

Saw this last night. A few points if I may…

That split second of thinking before he begins his charade, disguised as panic. It's just so damned clever.

Yeah, to add to your point, I think that it is impossible to judge heroes and villains separately.

God, that is such a clever piece of screenwriting. The implied cleverness and sheer capacity to process information quickly just leaves you stunned by the villain's capabilities.
W -> William -> Bill
and for just a second, even you think he's blundered and it colors the lie to make it seem even more like the truth. And

Number 1 and it isn't even close.
And it is more about the combination of hero and villain. McClain and Gruber are perfect together. The classically educated, slick Euro master thief versus the grumpy, daytime TV educated, American everyman. Gruber can be cunning and sadistic but McClain has his own, hard won

Good god, how can we possibly understand Yoda speech as interpreted by Cookie Monster?

God, that scene where Jean Martin gives the press conference and turns it around on the reporters…
Literally breathtaking. I was stunned by it.
Just an all around incredible movie.

This review sounds a lot more like a C- than B-.

Yeah, dittos on most of the points here.

Eh. I actually liked the fact that he was neither hero nor villain. It was cool to find myself rooting against him, not in spite of his egalitarianism, but because of it! Some of my favorite characters are the remorseless rich! I thought he came off as too one-dimensional at the end.
And I also thought they made

Ha. Yeah, I was going to point this out, plus the Rhaegar/Robert thing, but I felt a bit too much like one of those parodies of Trekkies.
"Ummmmm, you misstated the name of our beloved fan theory. Go back to GOT primary school you noob."
{adjusts pocket protector, retapes glasses}

Margery: "We all have to leave now!"
High Sparrow: "Bar the gates. No one is allowed to leave this trial that they freely elected to come to."

Davos: "You must execute her, for honor and justice."
Melisandre: "You cannot execute me, because of utility and practicality."
Jon: "I will do neither!!!"

I'm sure someone pointed this out, but, I do not think that Lyanna fears that Rhaegar will kill his own son. She fears that Robert will kill him.
A legitimate son or Rhaegar inherits the throne (and I guess they were married). Moreover, Robert hates Targaryens enough to order the killing of other children. Also,

Yeah, I dig his work, but I feel like the economy that he prides himself on makes for some missed opportunities. Like, with Inviticus, when did you ever feel like you were in an actual place? You got very little 'feel' for the city like you would find in Dirty Harry's San Franciso.

To be honest, I feel like the showdown will be between Sansa and Jon. He has no claim to Winterfell (according to the most current genealogical data). Moreover, any attempt on his part to assert that he 'won' the battle will probably lead to her dismissing him as a buffoon given that she pretty much saved his ass.

Yes, but I wasn't rooting for the Bolton's!

I just wish that the fight were more clever.