
Mad Max: Fury Road.

God, I loathe Amelie.

Yeah, just saw Pierre le Fou on the big screen and I realized that I hate these freakin' movies. Beautiful, bored people with mild intellectual pretensions. Entire movies about them. This is why I have started to dislike pretty much any modern Indy film set in Brooklyn with a cast of under-35 year olds (although


I saw this about two months ago. This review is pretty accurate except that I feel like it is describing a more enjoyable movie. There were a few genuinely funny moments and a bit of pathos, but, overall, it lacked a lot of the intangibles that make a good film. The deliberately dour atmosphere and awkward human

Two hours! Good God, that's criminal. No way I could stand that. Thanks for the advice. I hope you get some satisfaction in performing the aspect of your job that includes providing consumer guidance so literally that you are actually affecting my weekend plans.

Screw that. Stannis lives.

Alex Guinness as George Smiley. All of the genteel charm of an English civil servant of that era and the subdued genius. I loved him.
I did not like Gary Oldman's adaptation at all. I think that underacting is becoming a thing. After years of shouting at cameras, he's gone way into the other direction, where his

I could definitely see the thought bubble above Alex where, halfway through he realized that she was a relatively free with her criticism …
"..and everyone has a story about David Fincher … " {feigns disinterest}
"and you did that film with Micky Rourke… a cancer, you say" {scribbles furiously}

Man, she's going to read this interview like "Oh shit, I shouldn't have said that … OH Shit, I definitely shouldn't have said THAT… ahhhhh, it's too hot today."

God I loved this movie. I just saw it at a little theater on the left bank in Paris. Just a wonderful evening. If you need a reason why France's relationship to the arts is truly great, note that this film was selling out nearly 80 years after its release. This also doubles as an argument for Cary Grant's true

Why is it that every 20 days I hear that Lena Dunham is expanding her media empire with XXXXXXXXX but never actually see any of this print/vinyl/feminist newsletter/movie script/etc, except for the latest B- Girls review?

Gina Gershon to play Charlie Sheen’s wife in 9/11 drama.
"Good God, that sounds like the worst thing ever."
{reads headline}
"No, wait, THIS sounds like the worst thing ever".

Yes! I really dig those little theaters. I saw "Only Angels Have Wings" with Cary Grant at the Filmotheque a few weeks back and had a really great time. It feels very cinematic to watch films there. No beer, though, but I drink enough anyways.

I am going to watch the shit out of this at a little art house theatre in the Quartier Latin in Paris. I love my life.

So. Elijah Wood is in Nic Cage cash grabs now. I wonder how he will turn out at the end of this process. It is either a near complete gem or a lunatic, but no in between.

I dig Imarhan Timbuktu a lot. I saw them totally by accident at sxsw at it was freakin' magical. Definitely worth a listen.

Seriously though. My girlfriend will try to get me to see this and, luckily, I have that bullet in the chamber to shoot it down. God, it looks insufferable.


I like how 80% of the comments are totally unrelated to this movie. It is a pretty good argument against secret success. This whole thread should just alternate between how Drive is good and the Counselor is bad.