
Seriously. The entire point falls flat since the freshest example of this kind of thing in people's minds is the 30 second, ultimately successful plan to destroy a star base that actually contains a freakin' star with a team of 14 people.

Yeah, I mean, who would choose to see all of these films?

Good god, that wasn't made by Zach Braff!!! Are they the same person?

And his scenes with his mother are actually quite touching. I only half remember it, so maybe there was a bit of darkness eventually, but when she told the story of her leaving the comic books outside, I thought it was very sweet. The fact that it happened right before the reveal (I think?) made it all the more

Okay, this is a nice response. I still cannot understand how you maintain these opinions and am also pissed at you for ruining my productivity at work through this prequel rabbit hole, but you are okay in my book.

Okay, I dig that you're here to defend this. A few counterpoints, if I may:

Thank you! The author seems to think that any digression from the classical adventure story-arc is inherently 'interesting'.
"While the original trilogy paints the Republic in the gentle light of nostalgia, what I presuppose is, 'What if it were actually a political system with flaws!!!!'". Mind blown.
"What if Batman

Thank you Pierre. If I had the endurance to finish this essay, I would have written something like this.

Seriously. Just because an essay can be written doesn't mean that it should be written.
And why the hell is this so long? I wanted to finish it so that I could write a point by point rebuttal but found myself skipping to the end 1/3 of the way through. I may have attempted to finish it if the author had made a

Also, I think that Ernest Goes to Camp was actually quite good. Goofy and a lot of pathos. I loved it when I was 6.

Okay gang, we all like the F grade and all, but there's a bit more to discuss than just the F.
Is it just perception bias or has it become way more common for shows that are 'meditations on violence' to basically engage in senseless and horrific violence against women to show that they will go there. I am looking at

Ugh. Romantic anxiety.

He actually looks like the love-child of John Turtoro and Jeffrey Tambor.

Is there a word for a perfect mixture of hate and love? Hatve? Loate?

Hard to find my favorite quotation, because he has a lot of gems up there. How 'bout

In faux-Aussie form…

"Marville does not have the stuff that makes for top-selling comics, but it does explore the origin and meaning of life, so I thought it was worth a six-issue series. And, because I’m president of Marvel, I could ignore the bean counters and publish Marville without regard for minimum sales projections and margin

I loved that movie but you couldn't pay me to watch it again. It was perfect on the big screen, in IMAX. Its strength was the immersive experience, not it's philosophical implications. It was a purely visceral art. Hence the lack of sustained cultural interest. It had to be appreciated in the moment, then

Damn. I was trying to defend this film but I just remembered the father character and his meet-cute with her mother. God I loathed that character. 10 minutes of screen time and I wanted to punch him within 12 seconds. The ludicrous meet-cute. The unbearable, cloying scenes of intimacy with the mother (I almost

Thank you. I was not weirded out at all by the bestiality aspects. His line about his DNA was self-loathing.
Can you not hear the tortured notes of the lonely mandog?