
Also, I thought that you usually announce next week's case file in your articles. What gives?

A few counterpoints if I may…
1. I watch the Wizard of Oz for the unbearable Dorthy/Toto sexual tension.
2. Avatar was an incredible cinematic experience in the theater. I have not watched it a second time and do not plan to, but I was totally floored by it's aesthetics and, even though it hit nearly every red flag I


'And it ended up being another Xeroxed piece of shit basically. '

Squuueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeee ….. schrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee….. Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
{Cameron Diaz proceeds to make orgasm noise.}

Ya, maybe it would be more accurate to say that it is in the 'uncanny valley' of ludicrous dialogue where it is not so obviously unnatural that it loops back around and becomes funny.
In fact, that is precisely what is wrong with this movie. It is in that 'uncanny valley' of over the top film-making where, on the one

Man, I got about 1/3 of the way through before I realized "Sweet Jesus, he's actually going to give this thing a 'Secret Success'"!
It is one thing to describe in abstract how 'excessive' and 'flamboyant' this film is, and somehow parlay this into a positive. In practice, it is impossible to actually enjoy a film

WTF does the guy from Matchbox 20 have to do with this?

Man, that character is on the Simpsons for all of 30 seconds and no one will ever forget that line.

Lookin' good!

I'm in Europe right now. I really wish I could watch it in Vienna but will probably end up doing so in Paris. Maybe not the right atmosphere but whatever.

I will never forgive that woman for being the world's most obvious honey-trap on GoT, only for her to, ludicrously, not be a honey-trap. She was just a really hot nurse! In complete defiance of the internal logic of the show!

Seriously. Just because he is old and thinks that things used to be better does not mean that he is wrong. Cell phones do make people dumber. Cinema is worse than it was in the 70's.

It actually sounds like that typewriter job was perfect for him.

So, anyone watch the trailer for the bizarre Finnish film? I may actually try and see that…

Alright. I made it to 0:40 in the trailer then died. How the hell could anyone actually watch this movie?!? Why is this woman's entire family obsessed with her getting married? Don't they have lives of their own?

This sounds like a movie that was specifically designed for me to hate.

Seriously. He has had no character development this season and is essentially a gay cardboard cutout as opposed to a fleshed out character that happens to be gay. I would have loved a few scenes with him as Tommen's swordmaster. I know they have to pack a lot into this season but I wish they took some time to let

Isn't that a racial slur?

Seriously. It looked like something from the Legend of Hercules.