
On the topic of Mycroft, whatever happened to the question of his loneliness and the possibility of his befriending 'common people' that arose during the first episode of this season. I kind've want to see him having a secret family or some such thing.

Agreed on all points. As far as the "Gordian Knot" aspect of the resolution, I don't think that this was necessarily a bad thing, but it was carried out at the expense of a clever reveal and a deeper analysis of the morale implications of violence.

I don't know why I expected this thread to be more popular…

Hot date tonight. I am picking her up and then cooking here some kind of Italian meal with a lot of fresh veggies (I am thinking green beans cooked with tomatoes in a red wine sauce with fresh goat cheese on top and pasta and veggie sides). Otis Redding on in the background. Then, it is off to the local film

Date thread!

I like them both but I have a slight preference for Joel because he is much more "90's" to me. That slacker stoner vibe just has a much more natural ambiance and reminds me of the days when the entire midwest was filled with these shabby, lovable characters who were night managers at video stores and listened to

No Burning Spear? A tink negative, mon.

C'mon. There are three seats there. Plenty of room for Gene.

Straw Dogs!!!! WTF!!! That rape scene is a full ten minutes! And the implication that she actually started enjoying it before the second guy came around is a questionable bit of sexual politics to say the least. Also, it has nothing to do with mathematics!

This sounds like freakin' torture! Who would want to watch something so evil!?!?!

Fats Domino is still alive…

I like Ask Polly at theawl.com.  I am not too sure about her advice some times but she usually addresses people in my age group and it is interesting to see what kind of problems they are dealing with.  I feel somewhat distant from the typical member of my generation and this allows me to understand them a bit better.

Thats not how the world work's!

My roommates got bedbugs.  In the bedlam that followed I executed a hostile takeover of the kitchen.  The bedbugs are now dead but by the time my roommates realized what had happened, I put in a charming dinette set near the window and will add a few tasteful potted plants hanging from the window.  I can now entertain


Beat me to it.

Okay gang.  Advice needed.
I did the online thing to set up a beachhead before moving to a new town.  There was one particularly lovely woman and we connected by message and set up a date.  We hit it off and laughed and drank.  It was a really lovely night.  We ended up kissing and she had a lot of sexual energy and I

I didn't even need to click the link.  I just knew.

"And then there’s the twist: Kingsley isn’t exactly a terrorist after all."  Hey, how about a spoiler alert for those of us who haven't seen it yet!

Jeez. That is one brutal take down.