and then the way he uses them is completely idiotic, like next to only the part where the villain reveals his plan to James Bond
and then the way he uses them is completely idiotic, like next to only the part where the villain reveals his plan to James Bond
if she's presumed dead, moves differently and/or smells differently it would be difficult for him to tell…it's actually kind of difficult to tell why he realizes when he does but this whole series has been built on time coincidences so far (do you remember the first Harry Potter where realizing that the egg Hagrid has…
1) Netflix directors have to STOP using so much depth of shadow, it doesn't support it, everything's black. I watched this episode on too high an HD screen and it looked like General Hospital. Also, someone really fall in love with wipes?
2) Sigourney Weaver's character def voted for Trump #mostwhitewomenstatistically
I'm not capable of making sentences simple enough for that mashed yeast in your inbred skull. "Nonsensical"? To you, of course.
trailer is making this look like Snatch, but description sounds more grounded?
maybe he was going bald during US of Tara: brush forward
That's your reply. "Demwit"? That's the lamest insult I've ever heard.
it was really painful getting those things in there
he's very sore about gay culture appropriating his power mustache years before he was born…
So your concern about violence is the aesthetically unpleasing thump of the car striking the protester? Because I'm missing it, where is the hypocrisy in how people react to a story about a white supremacist who was at a white supremacist rally running down somebody who protested a white supremacist rally? are we,…
wow. I've been even engaging in good faith with the trolls on this thread but you really are a pathetic stupid couch-stain, aren't you? Aren't you just! I can't believe you beat a million other sperm, but they all came from your father so it was more like a three-legged race I'm certain. "Jumping to a confusion!" …
I think that if they cherish white american history so much they need to stop using things that were created by non-white americans altogether. American Whites are pretty much the most notorious for stealing things and pretending they invented them, or discovered them. Just cut that shit out of your diet, fashies,…
The white supremacists in this instance clearly announced the reasons for their violence. I'd be willing to consider underlying factors in why each of these individuals wound up where they are and to their mentally deficient conclusions, advocating or engaging in violence (mainly inferiority complexes and nothing to…
I'd of course recommend watching the rest of The State, it's on DVD, but really just wait a month and think back on WHAS, it grows in recollection
amazing how after all this time they were like "let's half-ass this!"
serious question: nearly everybody says shelter in place if nukes are dropped. But what if you are say 5 miles away (not necessarily fatal, probably protected by shelter) and there's a good chance another nuke might come? Being over 8 miles away greatly increases your chances of survival. So say a nuke hits JFK…
like retaining unearned privilege? Trump is the patron saint of this, somehow you people still believe he earned the money he got from his daddy (and failed to beat the market with over like 40 years). You got cultural hegemony from your daddy, now the free market is diluting your chokehold on privilege and you're…
check out Dr. Seuss's political cartoons about Lindbergh, they're amazing. Unfortunately a few racist anti-japanese-american ones too.
it's all that guy who everybody assumed was nerdy and smart because he was on his computer all the time and then one day you look at his DVD rack and it's all bad movies that happen to star like Elizabeth Hurley or some actress they're obsessed with, "Bedazzled," you know that guy