Birthday for the Whitest Kids in the Trailer Park?
Birthday for the Whitest Kids in the Trailer Park?
they all look like the toxic nerd they send to fix the copier who always seems lovelorn until one day when there aren't any women around he starts calling women "bitches" and "whores" and wants you to respond to show you're complicit, and you're torn between the obligation to express disapproval and just wanting to…
You also can't carry the battle flag of an aborted "country" the US defeated IN battle and call yourself a proud "American." You can call yourself a proud CONFEDERATE, sure, but the Confederacy never referred to themselves as the "Americans." And that whole other war thing, brother against brother, you know the…
it's amazing the questions we are not allowed to ask in a supposed Democracy. During the entire presidential race we were never allowed to ask Trump simple yes or no questions or basic civics or otherwise questions that would have locked in his ignorance about basically everything. Who runs North Korea? How many…
I agree that he's too old to play high schoolers now, he's 24! But with hair, I think he just has a huge forehead. They always used to brush his hair forward to cover it. But for fuck's sake, he's twenty-four!
there you have it, the president of the united states just assisted neo-nazis.
I'm just a bit puzzled, the Nazis got trounced and ran away, that's why that impotent loser in the car decided to run over people, how does this show progressives are "easy meat"?
and also: if she wasn't intentionally lying, then they weren't intentionally lying. I mean they would have to prove that the mom and PR guy either knew that 100% of the people Swift accuses are groping are innocent or that 100% scummy DJ's hand is incapable of contacting starlet ass.
okayokay I dunno, he doesn't do it for me lately, I couldn't help but think the Incredible Jessica James could have been really great with a different male lead, he's becoming so Luke Wilson.
Teenage suiciiiide…DON'T do it!…
is this really the right comments section for this?
good movie!
but if they do that we can't make movies about them trying to get laid
just kill him again and again until he figures out how not to be a crazy idiot?
M-O-O-N that spells if you have a disability you get magical powers, ask Stephen King!
a lot of parallels to Munchausen by Proxy, including that they're probably making their kid worse.
that phrase, I don't think it means what you think it means
and later did euphonium?
lots of time-lapse photography? (sorry!)
or is it played by Lily Taylor and he stalks it?