Bubbles the Bassett

Little Cuties

Hey, Ras al Ghul turned out to be an Irish guy for some stupid reason. Mandarin can be whatever the fuck they want… I guess.

@avclub-22eda830d1051274a2581d6466c06e6c:disqus "
Eh, I don't really buy the argument that "no redeemable characters" = real life, unless you're just a misanthropic bastard."

You problem might be that you've only had basically functional relationships that you found easy to let go once they ended.  Hell, I'm happily married but there are still one or two ladies from my past that haunt the fuck out of me.  I think you need to identify with wrongness and pain that you wouldn't give up for

Just an hour at a time?

Yeah, I said it before but this is the best Cameron Diaz performance because it's the least Cameron Diaz performance.

Agree.  I'm a nice guy and an optimist generally but the concept "there are no redeemable characters" sure sounds like real life - and therefore real interesting or real art - to me.

See Eternal Sunshine. 
Though I think you're right that Adaptation is the better film, Eternal Sunshine speaks to a certain kind of pained doomed romantic sensibility that is probably the true hallmark of an AVClub poster.  Sigh.
Winslet in Sunshine IS the true manic pixie dream girl. The good and the bad.

Trout isn't meeting the right people.

Keener's character is absolutely someone I would regret being naked with but would jump at the chance any time I could.  She's dirty hotness personified. So daringly selfish, bemused, dirty, mean, and wrong yet so very right… I honestly can't think of a more affectingly attractive/repulsive performance (in this way)

A spaceship from Naboo.

My grandfather survived WWII for the French pussy.  That was what he claimed at least.

whip crack went their rumpy-tails! And the record was done.

Be they angels?

Sexy Deppcula

Oh-oh say can you Yee!

He's the 47thFutureMan

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen. SMASH!!!!!

Game of Wombs

I don't disagree, early sandman's art was muddy and off-putting. I heard the artist was rushed/confused/late to the project?  Either way the artist was Sam Keith and he went on to become a fantastic and unique artist. Google The Maxx.