
Well, to all the folks who seem to feel that it's so unfathomable that anyone chose to even comment on what was said, it's not about being "thin skinned" or being "offended", it's more like "why is this dick taking the time to pick apart our stupid comments in the first place?"

Well, that's the thing. I don't think it's fair to say AV Club commenters are "thin skinned" if we're just responding to his criticisms. And its clear that many of us are not familiar with the show, so I agree with @avclub-0f29370d9da664c1e143182f37301063:disqus.

Woozle wozzle!

How much was the focus on me? A little bit…a little bit…

Stop calling us "Shirley Shirley".

Hey, check out my new picture FRAME!

I've always thought the Verve got hosed on that ruling, as that melody line with the strings is so simple, even if it is featured prominently. Of course I've always wondered why they didn't just use something else.

I only had to complete 18 months of night school before I was certified to start posting.

Joke? Sure. Funny? No. Super creepy? Hell yes.

Probably, if he said compared to Lebron James and didn't specifically mention his wee wee.

Well then why bother having mirrored walls in the bedroom?

Hmmm….we'll allow it.

In his defense, he was probably all hopped up on Jesus Juice at the time.

Again with the silver bullets?


What, you don't think Blacosa Nostra is a good idea?

Ah BonerTime. Sweet, sweet BonerTime. You're too innocent for this world.

B..b..bbut…you just did, Doc! You're cured! You're cured!!

Well then Hollywood will only make it better!

Agreed. It's one of those endings that frustrates, BUT it also sticks with you.