
The Negro Problem is an awesome band.

You're a loose cannon, Newton! Listen, this one goes all the way to the top. The suits downtown and the Mayor are up my ass on this, so you'd better get happy! I want your Sunshine Book on my desk by 0900 tomorrow!

Plus, Hollywood is all about art. No one cares about money. It's why us blue-collar common folk call them Hollyweird.

Yes - I'll also add: the fact that Congress is populated primarily by 70-80 year old white men has nothing to do with our political problems.

The President meets a quirky British bird (that's what they call dames over there) who's part of a terrorist cell trying to kill him. Despite their differences, and a middle act where it looks like they'll never be together, they fall in love and live happily ever after.

I was there too.

You monster! You don't want to protect our delicious, delicious children?

The Skatalites never have trouble scoring.

You shouldn't listen to British people and you shouldn't listen to pans!

And yet despite that failure The Pentagon still insists on referring to itself as "the fifth Beatle".

Lawrence Welk? If it's the Midwest chances are it's a polka band, is all I'm saying.

Hey, when's the Coen's new album set to drop?

When is the EVL NOT using it? Am I right fellas?

Exactly! It's not like we're talking about the People's Choice Awards or something.

No es bueno.

I belieb the Beibes only drinks Zima. And yes, I know they no longer make Zima, but when you've got his kind of power you can get anything you want. Anything. And he chooses Zima.

Let the bell of Taco Freedom RING!!!

I'll bet they make that mistake all the time.

Disney is the world's Gramma.

"Stuffing will always remind me of you."